It is the intent of the City to involve artists at the earliest appropriate stage of a City improvement project. The Design Board shall establish the artist selection process and, in collaboration with the applicable City department, make recommendations regarding the scope of work on a case by case basis. The City may include artists in a broad range of projects including:
   A.   Planning: Artists may be selected to assist in the evaluation of options, strategies, limitations and opportunities for art and aesthetic design in capital projects before the scope, quality, schedule, and budget are fixed.
   B.   Collaboration With Project Design Team: Artists may be selected as consultants on construction or project work in which the creation, documentation, and construction of the project is collaboratively developed with the City's project managers, design team, and the public. This is pursuant to the goal of improving the aesthetics of the entire project.
   C.   Site Specific Artwork: Artists may be selected to design artwork for a specific location.
   D.   Individual Works Of Art: Artists may be commissioned to create a work of art, or existing works of art may be purchased. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)