Library board of directors appointees shall be chosen from the citizens of the city at large with reference to fitness for such office. The board of directors shall consist of not less than five (5) members nor more than nine (9) members. Not more than one member of the city council shall be, at any one time, a member of such board. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
The library board of directors shall appoint a competent person as the librarian to have immediate charge of the library, to have such duties and compensation for services as it shall fix and determine. The librarian shall act as the executive officer of the library board. The board shall appoint, upon the recommendation of the librarian, other personnel as needed. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
The library board of directors shall make and adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the law for the governing of the library. The library established under the provisions of this chapter shall be free for the use of the inhabitants of the city subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the board. The board may exclude from the use of the library any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules. The board may extend the privileges and use of the library to persons residing outside of the city upon such terms and conditions as it may prescribe by its regulations. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
Any person desiring to make donations of money, personal property or real estate for the benefit of such library shall have the right to vest the title to the money, personal property or real estate so donated in the board of directors of the city library to be held and controlled by such board, when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest of such property and as to such property, the board shall be held and considered to be trustees. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
The library board of directors shall have control of the expenditure of the library fund, construction, lease, sale of library buildings and land, and of the operation and care of the libraries and branches. All tax monies received for such libraries shall be deposited in the city treasury to the credit of the library fund and shall not be used for any purpose except that of the city library. The funds shall be drawn upon by the authorized officers of the city upon presentation of properly authenticated vouchers of the library board. All monies collected by the library shall be deposited to the credit of the library fund. The library board shall purchase, lease and sell land and purchase, lease and erect or sell buildings for the benefit of the library. The board shall be responsible for the maintenance and care of the library and shall establish policies for its operation. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)