DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM: A period of time during which permits will not be issued for proposed developments, notwithstanding the proposed development's substantial compliance with existing ordinances and regulations.
PERMIT: A building permit, subdivision plat, planned unit development plat, or any similar development application.
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Construction or design for which a permit application is submitted.
SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE: A permit eligible for approval with only minor or routine modifications, including variances which would normally be granted as a matter of course by the Zoning Administrator.
VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: A right to develop property based on the ordinances existing at the time of the application for development notwithstanding pending changes in the regulations which would preclude the development.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: By authority of State Statute, the Board of Adjustment may delegate its authority to make certain zoning related decisions to the Zoning Administrator. The items delegated to the Zoning Administrator are noncontroversial and have no impact on the character of City neighborhoods.
ZONING CHANGE PETITION: A request for a zoning change in the ordinances and regulations relating to zoning, subdivisions or site development properly filed with the Department of Community and Economic Development. (2019 Compilation)