A.   Professionalism: Employees will dedicate themselves to the highest ideals of professionalism, honor and integrity in order to merit the trust, respect and confidence of the public they serve.
   B.   Abide By Policies: Employees will abide by the provisions of all applicable official City policies, procedures and MOUs.
   C.   Dedication Of Work Hour Time: During work hours, employees will devote their whole time, attention and efforts to City business.
   D.   Safety Guidelines: Employees will adhere to all safety guidelines, conduct themselves in a safe manner and maintain safe and orderly equipment, including City vehicles.
   E.   Performance Standards: Employees will meet performance standards and goals established by the City, department or division.
   F.   Conduct To Promote Effective Operation: Employees will conduct themselves in a manner that will not disrupt the workplace, undermine the authority of management, impair close working relationships, offend the public or otherwise impede the effective operation of City government.
   G.   Courteous Behavior: All City employees will demonstrate the highest level of courteous and respectful behavior in all dealings with coworkers, supervisors, direct reports and the public.
   H.   Addressing Disagreements: Disagreements will be addressed in an appropriate manner and without the use of offensive, abusive or disrespectful language or actions. Differences of opinion will be handled privately and discreetly.
   I.   Improper Use Of Equipment Or Information: Employees may not use City equipment or information technology for personal gain or inappropriately. De minimis personal use of City equipment, property and information technology by employees, with prior departmental approval, is permissible. If costs are associated with the usage (i.e., personal copies, mileage, charges from a long distance telephone call) the City must be fully reimbursed. (2019 Compilation)