A.   Special Revenue Donation Fund Collection; Responsible Department:
      1.   Complete a cash receipt for all money received.
      2.   Take cash and cash receipt to the Treasurer's Office for deposit on the same day of receipt.
   B.   Special Revenue Donation Fund Collection; Finance Department:
      1.   Establish budget for cash received.
      2.   Monthly, make all necessary budget revisions to individual Special Revenue Donations Funds.
      3.   Ensure the total budget for all Special Revenue Donation Funds does not exceed the Council approved budget and the cash in each fund.
   C.   Special Revenue Donation Fund Expenditures; Responsible Department:
      1.   Prepare a voucher or requisition for the expenditure of any Special Revenue Donation Fund money ensuring at all times that the expenditure is consistent with the public purpose stated in the donation agreement.
Note: Special Revenue Donation Funds are not exempt from the City's procurement policies and procedures. Follow all procurement policies and procedures when procuring goods or services with Special Revenue Donation Fund money.
      2.   Submit the voucher or requisition as required by existing procurement policies.
      3.   Maintain an accurate record of collection and expenditures. (2019 Compilation)