Prepare written request regarding budget opening item(s), including grant and CIP related requests, and submit to policy and budget analyst assigned to evaluate budget openings. Refer to annual budget amendment calendar for exact due dates.
   A.   Written Request; Information: Submit the request in the latest WORD format, including the following:
      1.   State concisely the budget amendment being requested.
Example: The City should appropriate fund balance and amend the General Fund budget for prior fiscal year encumbrances.
      2.   State any conditions related to the request that exist at the current time. These are facts or current practices.
Example: State law requires that all budgets, except Capital Project Funds, lapse at June 30 or fiscal year end. Encumbrances are commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services. Historically, purchase commitments made near the end of the fiscal year are not typically paid by June 30 and therefor the payment will occur in the next fiscal year. For the past three (3) fiscal years, the City has budgeted for encumbrances through a budget opening. There is fund balance available to cover the budgeted amounts needed.
      3.   State any criteria that are present. These are such things as legal regulations and legislative policies.
Example: State law requires a budget appropriation before funds may be expended. Departments are not legally authorized to exceed the budget amount during a fiscal year. For the past three (3) fiscal years, the City Council's policy has been to amend the budget and increased departmental budgets by the amount of the encumbrances.
      4.   State any effect the budget opening will have on the City. These are impacts that might happen or have occurred.
Example: Payment for any encumbrance amount in the current year for which a budget does not exist will negatively impact the current year budget and will establish competition for the same available funds. Decisions regarding the carrying out of policy directives may require additional discussion if this competition for funds occurs. Usage of fund balance will leave the existing fund balance amount at eleven and three-tenths percent (11.3%) of the General Fund total estimated revenue.
      5.   State the causes for the current conditions or state the reasons why the current conditions exist. These are such things as unfamiliarity with the laws, vague legislation or lack of adequate resources, etc.
Example: Purchase orders were made at the end of the prior fiscal year which were not paid in that fiscal year, because the vendor had not completed the delivery of the goods or services by the end of that fiscal year.
      6.   State the Department Director's recommendation.
Example: This recommended amendment will appropriate additional budget and allow us to pay for these goods and services without jeopardizing our existing budgeted needs. The amount requested is one million seven hundred thirty nine thousand two hundred fifty nine dollars ($1,739,259.00). Fund balance is the recommended funding source and it is adequate to cover the amount.
      7.   Identify the One Solution coding (cost center/object code) where the change will be made.
   B.   Delivery: When the request is complete, e-mail or deliver the request to the assigned policy and budget analyst.
   C.   Communicate With Department Designee: Once the policy and budget analyst has reviewed the document, he/she will communicate with the department designee as necessary to ensure completeness and clarity of the request.
   D.   Verify Posting: After the City Council acts on amendment, designee posts or verifies that the posting to One Solution occurs. (2019 Compilation)