A.   Requirements: When food or beverage is purchased using City funds, food and beverages that have a low carbon and water footprint are preferable. When procuring food or beverages, employees shall:
      1.   Ensure that there are sufficient vegan and vegetarian options available;
      2.   Consider poultry and meat alternative options that have a lower carbon and water footprint than other meat options; and
      3.   Consider options that use local and organic ingredients when available.
   B.   Bottled Water: Bottled water shall not be purchased using City funds, except:
      4.   When there are no reasonable alternatives to access safe drinking water;
      5.   When there are hydration requirements for employees working outside of City facilities;
      6.   When there are legal or contractual reasons to the contrary; or
      7.   In case of any emergency requiring bottled water to be supplied.
   C.   Disposable Products: Styrofoam products and single serving disposable beverage pods, such as K-cups, shall not be purchased using City funds.