54-9-12: FUELING:
   ∙    Fuel is available at 15 city-wide stations that are the primary fueling locations for all City owned vehicles or equipment. Operating hours and locations of city-wide stations can be found at https://slcgov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=297b188ae37640f18f5539cde989a320
      °   Vehicles and equipment should be fueled on a regular basis and to ensure proper fuel must be used.
         ∙    Proper mileage or hours must be used for proper fueling procedures.
         ∙    It is not appropriate to fuel equipment with another vehicle or equipment unit I.D. (Any misuse of this nature may result in the loss of fueling privileges by the employee or department assigned.)
         ∙    State fuel cards for use outside of City owned fuel stations may be issued on an as-needed basis if approved by the Fleet Division Director.