1172.01 Purpose.
1172.02 Permitted uses.
1172.03 Conditional uses.
1172.04 Regulations for zero lot line single-family townhouse dwellings.
1172.05 Conventional multi-family dwellings.
1172.06 Accessory buildings and uses.
1172.07 Exceptions and special regulations.
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1197
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1199
The purpose of this "RA-0" Zero Lot Line Single-Family Townhouse District is to provide areas for the development of moderate to high-density residential uses and structures in moderately spacious surroundings. It is the intent of this chapter that these districts be located in the urban portions of the City where a protected environment suitable for moderate-density residential use can be provided. In fulfilling the purpose of this district, the townhouse or rowhouse concept may be used which permits the construction of single-family dwellings immediately adjacent to one another without side yards between the individual units and which units shall be structurally connected.
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)
(a) Hospital or sanitarium, except criminal, mental or animal hospital.
(b) Medical clinic.
(c) Nursing, rest or convalescent home.
(d) Parking lot located within 200 feet of an "RD", "C" or "M" district.
(e) Private school.
(f) Public building erected by any governmental agency.
(g) Religious, educational and eleemosynary institution of a philanthropic nature, but not a penal or mental institution.
(h) Rooming house or boarding house.
(i) Tourist home when located on an officially designated State or Federal highway.
(j) Professional offices on the first floor only in existing or new structures.
(k) Conditional uses of Section 1167.02.
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)
(a) Minimum lot area: 3500 square feet.
(b) Minimum lot width: 38 feet.
(c) Minimum yard requirements:
(1) Front: 25 feet.
(2) Rear: 25 feet.
(3) Side:
A. Interior units of townhouses - none.
B. End units of townhouses - 10 feet on the opposite side.
(d) Maximum height: 35 feet.
(e) Maximum density: 12.44 single-family dwelling units per acre.
(f) All dwelling units shall face the front or street line.
(g) Interior units of townhouses shall be constructed up to side lot lines without side yards, and no windows, doors or other openings shall face a side lot line except that the outside wall of end units may contain such openings.
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)
(Ord. 890705-75. Passed 10-17-89.)