Chapter 10.08
10.08.010   Authority of police and fire officers.
10.08.020   Traffic reports by police department to city manager.
10.08.030   City traffic engineer-Office established.
10.08.040   City traffic engineer and parking manager-Powers and duties.
10.08.050   Obedience to orders given by officers.
10.08.060   School crossing guards.
10.08.070   Unauthorized persons shall not direct traffic.
10.08.080   Vehicles to stop at crosswalk controlled by a signal device, school crossing guard, or member of a school safety patrol.
10.08.090   Detours and construction.
10.08.100   One-way streets.
10.08.110   Disclosure by tow truck operators to vehicle operators.
10.08.120   Vehicle release fee.
10.08.130   Violation-Penalty.