General Provisions
   154.001   Short title
   154.002   Definitions
   154.003   Zoning affects every building and use
   154.004   Bona fide farms exempt
   154.005   Required yards not to be used by building
   154.006   Relationship of building to lot
   154.007   Street access
   154.008   Reduction of lot and yard areas prohibited
   154.009   Business uses of mobile homes and travel trailers
   154.010   Temporary uses of manufactured homes
   154.011   Official Zoning District Map
   154.012   Remedies
   154.013   Interpretation, purpose, and conflict
   154.014   Density credits or severable development rights
   154.015   Town of Rose Hill Comprehensive Plan
Zoning Districts and Boundaries
   154.025   Zoning districts
   154.026   District boundaries
   154.027   Consideration given to boundary delineations
   154.028   District boundaries established
   154.029   Interpretation of district boundaries
District Regulations
   154.040   Generally
   154.041   R-1 Residential District
   154.042   R-2 Residential District
   154.043   R-3 Residential District
   154.044   MH Manufactured Home Residential District
   154.045   NB Neighborhood Business District
   154.046   CB Central Business District
   154.047   HB-1 Highway Business District
   154.048   HB-2 Highway Business District
   154.049   I-1 Industrial District
   154.050   I-2 Industrial District
   154.051   I-3 Industrial District
   154.052   MU Mixed Use District
Exceptions and Modifications
   154.065   Generally
   154.066   Front yard modifications in residential districts
   154.067   Other yard modifications
   154.068   Height limit exceptions
Sign Regulations
   154.080   Generally
   154.081   Signs permitted in conjunction with nonconforming uses
   154.082   Freestanding signs
   154.083   Permanent wall signs
   154.084   Commercial signs
   154.085   Off-premise signs
   154.086   Institutional signs
   154.087   Unsafe and unlawful signs
   154.088   Exemptions
   154.089   Flashing signs
   154.090   Flags and banners
Off-Street Parking
   154.105   Generally
   154.106   Certification of minimum parking requirements
   154.107   Combination of required parking space
   154.108   Remote parking space
   154.109   Requirements for parking lots in residential districts
   154.110   Minimum parking requirements
   154.111   Mobile home and travel trailer parking and storing
   154.112   Inoperative vehicles
Off-Street Loading Space
   154.125   Generally
   154.140   Generally
Nonconforming Situations
   154.155   Definitions
   154.156   Continuation of nonconforming situations
   154.157   Nonconforming lots
   154.158   Extension or enlargement of nonconforming situations
   154.159   Change in kind of nonconforming use
   154.160   Abandonment and discontinuance of nonconforming situations
Special Uses
   154.175   Purpose
   154.176   Application and fees
   154.177   Procedure for reviewing special use applications
   154.178   General provisions concerning special use permits
   154.190   Generally
Planned Unit Developments
   154.205   Generally
   154.206   Purposes
   154.207   Required information
   154.208   Exceptions
   154.209   Bulk regulations
   154.210   Designation of permanent common open space
   154.211   Minimum lot area in residential planned unit developments
Mobile Home Parks
   154.225   Generally
   154.226   Administration
   154.227   Development standards
   154.228   Nonconforming mobile home parks
Board of Adjustment
   154.240   Establishment
   154.241   Proceedings
   154.242   Powers and duties
   154.243   Appeal
Administration and Enforcement
   154.255   Administrative Official
   154.256   Permit administration
   154.257   Appeals of administrative decisions
   154.258   Building permit
   154.259   Certificate of occupancy
Changes and Amendments
   154.270   Generally
   154.271   Action by the applicant
   154.272   Amending the ordinance
   154.273   Notice of hearing on proposed zoning map amendments
   154.274   Citizen comments
   154.275   Action by the Board of Adjustment
   154.276   Action by the Town Board
   154.277   Planning Board
   154.278   Town Board of Commissioners
   154.279   Quasi-judicial procedures
   154.280   Conflicts of interest
   154.999   Enforcement and penalties
§ 154.001 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known as the “Zoning Code” or “ordinance” or “chapter,” and the map herein referred to, which is identified by the title “Zoning District Map,” shall be known as the “Zoning Map.”
(Ord. passed 7-9-1985; Ord. passed 5-10-1990; Ord. passed 3-9-1999; Ord. passed 8-10-1999; Ord. passed 3-14-2000; Ord. passed 5-9-2000; Ord. passed 9-9-2003; Ord. passed 9-13-2005; Ord. passed 9-12-2006; Ord. passed 4-8-2008; Ord. passed 12-9-2008; Ord. passed 6-29-2021)