§ 154.125 GENERALLY.
   Where off-street loading space is required under the functional requirements of a particular activity, one or more loading berths or other spaces shall be provided for standing, loading, and unloading operations either inside or outside a building and on the same or adjoining premises with every building or structure erected after the enactment of this chapter. A loading berth shall have minimum plan dimensions of 12 feet by 25 feet and 14 feet overhead clearance. A loading space need not be necessarily a full berth but shall be sufficient to allow normal loading operations of a kind and magnitude appropriate to the property served thereby. In no case shall the use of the space hinder the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians over a street, sidewalk, or alley.
Use Classification
Space Requirements
Retail sales operation
1 loading berth for every 20,000 square feet of floor area
Office buildings and hotels with a total usable floor area of 10,000 square feet or more
1 loading berth for every 100,000 square feet of floor area
Industrial and wholesale operations with a gross floor of 10,000 square feet or more
1 loading berth for every 50,000 square feet of floor area
(Ord. passed 7-9-1985; Ord. passed 5-10-1990; Ord. passed 3-9-1999; Ord. passed 8-10-1999; Ord. passed 3-14-2000; Ord. passed 5-9-2000; Ord. passed 9-9-2003; Ord. passed 9-13-2005; Ord. passed 9-12-2006; Ord. passed 6-29-2021) Penalty, see § 154.999
§ 154.140 GENERALLY.
   (A)   Each application for a building permit or certificate of occupancy shall include, for those use districts where a buffer is required, information as to the location and type of buffer to be erected. Once erected, a buffer shall be properly maintained. The construction and maintenance of a buffer shall be the responsibility of the land owner or developer.
   (B)   A buffer shall be a six-foot high attractive blind barrier which shall not permit the passage of light from one side to the other and which will also damper noise where needed. The barrier may be a decorative masonry wall, a wood basket weave-type fence, an open type fence with evergreen vegetation planted facing the adjoining property, or the like. No fence at all is necessary where evergreen vegetation will be of a thickness and variety discouraging people from pushing their way through. Where evergreens are used, a species shall be planted which will normally be expected to reach a height of six feet in three-years time.
(Ord. passed 7-9-1985; Ord. passed 5-10-1990; Ord. passed 3-9-1999; Ord. passed 8-10-1999; Ord. passed 3-14-2000; Ord. passed 5-9-2000; Ord. passed 9-9-2003; Ord. passed 9-13-2005; Ord. passed 9-12-2006; Ord. passed 6-29-2021) Penalty, see § 154.999
§ 154.155 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DIMENSIONAL NONCONFORMITY. A nonconforming situation that occurs when the height, size, or minimum floor space of a structure or the relationship between an existing building or buildings and other buildings or lot lines does not conform to the regulations applicable to the district in which the property is located.
   EXPENDITURE. A sum of money paid out in return for some benefit or to fulfill some obligation. Whenever the term is used hereafter, it also includes binding, contractual commitments to make future expenditures, as well as any other substantial changes in position.
   LOT. A parcel of land whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument such as a deed or a recorded map and which is recognized as a separate legal entity for purposes of transfer of title. If a public road crosses a parcel of land otherwise characterized as a LOT by this definition, the land on each side of the public road shall constitute a separate LOT.
   NONCONFORMING LOT. A lot existing at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it (and not created for the purpose of evading the restrictions of this chapter) that cannot meet the minimum area or lot-width requirements of the district in which the lot is located.
   NONCONFORMING PROJECT. Any structure, development, or undertaking that is incomplete at the effective date of this chapter and would be inconsistent with any regulation applicable to the district in which it is located if completed as proposed or planned.
   NONCONFORMING SITUATION. A situation that occurs when, on the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it, an existing lot or structure or use of an existing lot or structure does not conform to one or more of the regulations applicable to the district in which the lot or structure is located. Among other possibilities, a nonconforming situation may arise because a lot does not meet minimum acreage requirements, because structures do not satisfy maximum height or minimum floor-space limitations, because the relationship between existing buildings and the land (in such matters as density and setback requirements) is not in conformity with this chapter, or because land or buildings are used for purposes made unlawful by this chapter.
   NONCONFORMING USE. A nonconforming situation that occurs when property is used for a purpose or in a manner made unlawful by the use regulations applicable to the district in which the property is located. (For example, a commercial office building in a residential district may be a nonconforming use.) The term also refers to the activity that constitutes the use made of the property. (For example, all the activity associated with running a bakery in a residentially zoned area is a nonconforming use.)
   ORDINANCE. This chapter, including any amendments. Whenever the effective date of this chapter is referred to, the reference includes the effective date of any amendment to it.
(Ord. passed 7-9-1985; Ord. passed 5-10-1990; Ord. passed 3-9-1999; Ord. passed 8-10-1999; Ord. passed 3-14-2000; Ord. passed 5-9-2000; Ord. passed 9-9-2003; Ord. passed 9-13-2005; Ord. passed 9-12-2006; Ord. passed 6-29-2021)