   (A)   The preliminary plan shall be valid for a period of three years after Village Board approval. If the final plat has not been submitted to the Planning Commission within said three-year period; or, if submitted, no final plat is approved, the preliminary plan shall expire.
   (B)   If the subdivider has not submitted a final plat within three years after preliminary plan approval, but wishes to avoid expiration of the plan, the subdivider shall seek reaffirmation of the plan by submitting 13 prints to the Village Clerk for review according to the review schedule established by the Planning Commission in accordance with §§ 155.077 through 155.079 of this chapter no later than 35 months after the initial Village Board approval. If the subdivider has submitted a final plat within said three-year period, but it is not approved during or after said three-year period, the subdivider may avoid expiration of the preliminary plan by making the same preliminary plan reaffirmation submission described above, provided that if the disapproval of the final plat occurs during or after the thirty-fifth month, the submission required shall be made within one month of such disapproval. In such event, the review process in §§ 155.077 through 155.079 of this chapter shall be followed.
   (C)   Where reaffirmation of the preliminary plan is sought, the Planning Commission shall recommend, and the Village Board shall require, any changes in the plan it deems necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter. If the subdivider has not resubmitted the preliminary plan with the required changes to the Village Board within 30 days after the Village Board meeting requiring changes or, if the resubmitted plan is disapproved, the plan shall expire at that time or at the end of any appeal process provided for in this chapter, whichever is later.
   (D)   A preliminary plan may be reaffirmed one time. If a final plat has not been submitted to the Planning Commission within three years from the date of the reaffirmation or, if submitted, is not approved, the plan shall expire.
   (E)   Final plat approval shall extend the validity of the preliminary plan for three years from the date of final plat approval; provided that, the Planning Commission may require any changes necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter and, in such an event, the provisions of division (C) above with respect to resubmission shall apply. The preliminary plan may be reaffirmed one time after each final plat approval. If another final plat has not been resubmitted within three years from the date of the reaffirmation, the preliminary plan shall expire. In the event a preliminary plan expires, a subdivider wishing to proceed with subdivision of the land involved must resubmit a location and sketch map for review and proceed as in the case of an original submittal.
(Prior Code, § 150.018) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
§ 155.095 PURPOSE.
   The final plat is intended to provide the accurate location of lots, monuments and property dedicated to public use.
(Prior Code, § 150.030) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   The final plat need not cover the entire preliminary plan area. It may cover only the portion which the subdivider presently wishes to record and develop in accordance with the staging approved with the preliminary plan.
   (B)   The final plat submission shall include the following information on the plat and accompanying documents.
      (1)   Final plat. The final plat shall be drawn in black India ink on a reproducible material to a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch. Maximum size of the plan sheets shall be 24 by 36 inches. If more than two sheets are used, an index sheet with component areas on the remaining sheets shall be included. The final plat shall show:
         (a)   The name and address of the owner and subdivider, engineer, land surveyor and contact person for the subdivider;
         (b)   North point, scale and date of preparation and latest revisions;
         (c)   Boundary lines with accurate distances and angles;
         (d)   General land legal description of the plat with total acreage;
         (e)   All lots designated by numbers and other grounds designated by names and numbers;
         (f)   Location of all survey monuments and their descriptions;
         (g)   The location of all easements provided for public use, services or utilities. Easements shall include anchor space for pole lines;
         (h)   An accurate outline of any portions of the property intended to be dedicated for public use;
         (i)   Lines of all proposed streets with their widths and names;
         (j)   The line of departure of one street from another;
         (k)   The names and widths of adjoining streets;
         (l)   All dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, lots, streets, easements and other areas for public or private use. Linear dimensions shall be given to the nearest one-one-hundredth of a foot;
         (m)   Radii, arcs, chords, points of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets and radii for rounded corners;
         (n)   If applicable, a note on the final plat stating: “Approval of this final plat by the Village of Riverton does not constitute a guarantee that well water is of adequate quantity or quality for residential needs or that a suitable sewage disposal system can be constructed on each lot”. Any guarantees are the subdivider’s responsibility;
         (o)   A statement indicating whether or not any part of the plat is located in a special flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and
         (p)   A notation stating any setbacks required through covenants if the setbacks are different from those of the appropriate zoning district.
      (2)   Accompanying documents. The following documents shall accompany the final plat:
         (a)   Letter from the village’s consulting engineer approving the construction plans;
         (b)   Proof of acquisition of an access permit from either the state or the County Highway Department, whichever applies;
         (c)   The certificate of a registered state land surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the location of all monuments shown. The certificate may be filed as a supplement to the final plat;
         (d)   Notarized acknowledgment of the plat by the owner or a duly authorized attorney. This item may be a separate document or on the plat itself;
         (e)   Certification of perpetual ownership and maintenance of drainage areas and common areas. The certification may take the form of adequate provisions for perpetual ownership and maintenance contained in the subdivision covenants;
         (f)   Exhibit showing the location of wells and seepage field areas (must be large enough to accommodate two seepage fields on each lot);
         (g)   Any covenants or restrictions relating to the requirements of this chapter; and
         (h)   A signed statement of a registered professional engineer and the owner of the land or his or her duly authorized attorney as required by the state statutes concerning drainage.
(Prior Code, § 150.032) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   The subdivider shall submit 12 prints of the final plat of the proposed subdivision to the Zoning Administrator with a filing fee of $100, plus, if it has not already been paid, the review and inspection fee established pursuant to § 155.057 of this chapter. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission. A final plat shall be reviewed only after approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission and the Village Board and approval of the construction plans by the village’s consulting engineer. Preliminary plans and final plats will not be reviewed at the same meeting. However, if the preliminary plan is being reaffirmed, the preliminary being reaffirmed and its final plat may be reviewed and approved at the same meeting if there are no major changes required to reaffirm the preliminary.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall retain one print and shall distribute the final plats as follows:
      (1)   Five prints to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   One print to the Superintendent of Public Works;
      (3)   One print to the village’s consulting engineer;
      (4)   One print to the Village Clerk;
      (5)   One print to the County Superintendent of Highways;
      (6)   One print to the village’s fire protection district;
      (7)   One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner or IDOT, if applicable; and
      (8)   The reviewing entities shall transmit any comments or requirements in writing to the Planning Commission within one week of receipt.
   (C)   (1)   The Planning Commission shall review the final plat to determine if it meets the requirements of this chapter and conforms to the preliminary plan previously submitted.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the final plat no later than its second regularly scheduled meeting after the plat was filed. Failure to act by the end of said second regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a recommendation of disapproval.
         (a)   Disapproval. If the Planning Commission finds that the final plat does not meet the requirements of this chapter, the subdivider shall be notified in writing of the Planning Commission’s disapproval and of the non-compliance found.
         (b)   Approval. If the Planning Commission finds that the final plat meets the requirements of this chapter, the following shall be printed or stamped on the original plat and three prints and signed by the Chairperson of the Planning Commission.
The final plat of this subdivision is recommended to the Village Board for approval by the Riverton Planning Commission subject to the certifications set forth in § 155.098 of Ch. 155 of the Village of Riverton Code of Ordinances.
Riverton Planning Commission
   (D)   The Planning Commission shall transmit the endorsed original plat and two prints to the Zoning Administrator for immediate reference to the Village Board. One print of the endorsed final plat shall remain on file with the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 150.033) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   Upon receipt of the endorsed original final plat and two prints, the Zoning Administrator shall retain one print on file and shall deliver one print to the village’s consulting engineer.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall deliver the original final plat to the Village Board at its next regular session after receiving the documents from the Planning Commission, along with the applicable minutes of the Planning Commission and any reports or other written documents generated by the Planning Commission with respect to the final plat.
   (C)   The final plat shall remain pending on the agenda of the Village Board and shall not be approved by the Village Board until the following have been received:
      (1)   Written certification from the village’s consulting engineer that the public improvements required by this chapter have been approved as described in § 155.062 of this chapter or, in lieu of construction, a security has been provided as described in § 155.059 of this chapter; and
      (2)   A certificate provided by the subdivider from the County Clerk indicating that payment of taxes is not delinquent.
   (D)   If the requirements of this section have not been met within two years from the final plat approval by the Planning Commission, the existing final plat shall expire and must be resubmitted and reviewed as a new final plat.
(Prior Code, § 150.034) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   When the requirements of § 155.096 of this chapter have been met, the Village Board may, by resolution, approve the final plat, accept the security, if any, and authorize the Village President to sign the plat for and in the name of the village, with the Village Clerk attesting to it. The Village Clerk shall retain one print on file.
(Prior Code, § 150.035) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)