   (A)   Presence of subdivider’s observer. The subdivider’s engineer shall have a full-time, qualified resident observer present on the construction site for the following:
      (1)   Approval of the subgrade prior to paving; and
      (2)   Continuous observation of all phases of the paving operation, construction of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances and construction of storm sewer and appurtenances and construction of water mains.
   (B)   Presence of subdivider’s contractor superintendent. The subdivider’s contractor shall have a superintendent on the job site at all times while construction is in progress. The superintendent shall be responsible for the entire construction procedure. In his or her absence, the superintendent shall indicate to the subdivider’s observer, the person temporarily responsible for the conduct of the work.
   (C)   Inspection by village’s consulting engineer. All required improvements to be installed under the provisions of this chapter shall be checked during the course of construction by the village’s consulting engineer. The cost of any reinspection of any required improvement found to be faulty or not in accordance with the approved plans and specification shall be paid by the subdivider to the village. The testing of any concrete, asphalt, soil, other materials or workmanship shall be done at the direction of the village and at the expense of the subdivider.
(Prior Code, § 150.026) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   If construction has not been completed and approved by the village consulting engineer before the final plat is submitted to the Village Board, security in the amount equal to 125% of the estimated construction costs (including, but not limited to, grading, drainage, roadway, sidewalk, sewer, waterline and other improvements which are to be dedicated to public use or which benefit the subdivision generally) of the public improvements shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator in order to ensure completion of the public improvements as required by this chapter within a reasonable length of time without cost to the village. The form and sufficiency of security shall be subject to the approval of the Village Attorney and the village’s consulting engineer. Security may be in the form of a bond issued by a commercial surety licensed to do business in the state, or it may be in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a state or national bank of at least one year in duration, which provides for automatic annual renewals thereof unless at least 60 days prior to the expiration of its term or any renewal thereof, written notice of non-renewal is sent by certified mail to the village.
   (B)   The bond or letter of credit shall by its terms secure payment of not only the construction of the public improvements, but also of any additional review and inspection fees charged by the village engineer and imposed by the village pursuant to § 155.057 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.027) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   If at the time a final plat is submitted for approval or at any time thereafter, the subdivider has already constructed a portion of the public improvements therein, the subdivider may request that the security for the subdivision be based on the estimated cost of the unconstructed portion, plus 10% of the estimated cost of the improvements constructed to date. This basis for establishing the amount of the security shall be used only if the village’s consulting engineer has inspected the completed portion of the public works and certified that the works have been constructed in accordance with the approved construction plans.
   (B)   No partial bond reduction shall be construed as final acceptance by the village of any portion of the public improvements; all public improvements constructed by the subdivider are subject to reinspection and reevaluation at any time prior to final acceptance thereof in accordance with § 155.062 of this chapter, and the subdivider has a continuing obligation until final acceptance to construct all public improvements to the standards of this chapter and the construction plans. In no event prior to final acceptance shall the security for public improvements be reduced to an amount less than 5% of the initial estimated construction costs of all public works to be constructed for the final plat.
(Prior Code, § 150.028) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996; Ord. 2010-019, passed 6-7-2010)
   The security shall remain in effect until it is released by the Village Board upon final acceptance of the public improvements. All public improvements must be completed within two years from the date when the security was approved. If public improvements have not been completed within said two years, the subdivider shall forfeit the security in the amount necessary for the village to carry out the construction or repairs so that the public improvements meet the standards of this chapter, plus administrative costs involved.
(Prior Code, § 150.029) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   After the village’s consulting engineer informs the village that the following conditions have been met, the public improvements shall be accepted by the village:
   (A)   The village’s consulting engineer has inspected the construction and all necessary repairs and corrections and certifies that the public improvements required by this chapter have been constructed;
   (B)   “As-built plans” have been prepared by the subdivider’s engineer and delivered to the village’s consulting engineer;
   (C)   The village’s consulting engineer has received a signed statement of a registered professional engineer stating that the public improvements have been observed during construction and installed to the specifications shown on the construction plans; and
   (D)   The improvements, such as drainage swales and the like, which are not to be dedicated to public use but which benefit the subdivision generally, have been built to specification shown in the construction plans.
(Prior Code, § 150.030) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
§ 155.075 PURPOSE.
   The preliminary plan is intended to provide a detailed layout of the proposed subdivision showing the location of public improvements, lots, drainage and open space areas.
(Prior Code, § 150.013) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   (1)   The preliminary plan shall show all required information required on plan sheets no larger than 24 by 36 inches with matching lines if two or more sheets are necessary. The scale shall be no more than 100 feet to the inch. All dimensions shall be to the nearest foot.
      (2)   The preliminary plan shall be consistent with the current zoning district classification of the property.
   (B)   Information to be shown on the plan sheets shall include:
      (1)   The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded; the names and addresses of the engineer, registered land surveyor, subdivider and owner of the tract with the name and address of the contact person with whom any notice is to be sent;
      (2)   North point, scale and date of preparation and any revisions;
      (3)   A notation stating “Preliminary Plan–Not to be recorded by Recorder of Deeds”;
      (4)   Total acreage;
      (5)   Location of all present property lines and section lines;
      (6)   The location of all streets, watercourses and other existing features within the area to be subdivided and within 200 feet of the site;
      (7)   Location and dimensions of existing buildings and their proposed disposition;
      (8)   The existing utilities, drainage courses and culverts including the location and size of water mains and sewer outlets within the area to be subdivided and on the adjacent land;
      (9)   Contours referring to the United States Geological Survey datum with intervals of two feet or less unless a greater interval is required because of terrain;
      (10)   The elevation of the 100-year floodplain if any portion of the land to be subdivided would be submerged by the flood. Adequate buildable area must be provided above the elevation of the 100-year floodplain;
      (11)   Lot numbers;
      (12)   Proposed location of sewer mains (may be shown on a supplemental sheet);
      (13)   The proposed storm drainage system including preliminary drainage computations when detention or retention is likely to be needed (may be shown on a supplemental sheet). An assessment of long-term erosion, sedimentation and runoff changes caused by the subdivision should be included;
      (14)   Proposed location of water mains and fire hydrants;
      (15)   Location and width to the nearest foot of all proposed streets, alleys and their associated rights-of-way;
      (16)   Location and width to the nearest foot of lots;
      (17)   Location and width to the nearest foot of all utility easements. The subdivider shall determine the correct location of all easements to be shown on the preliminary plan from the utility companies;
      (18)   The location of areas to be reserved for public use;
      (19)   The minimum setback requirements for the appropriate zoning district;
      (20)   Proposed staging of final plats if more than one final plat will be submitted based on traffic, utilities and other factors which would determine the sequence of development with the least impact on existing residents of the village;
      (21)   Draft of subdivision covenants relating to the requirements of this chapter; and
      (22)   If subdivision road access is to a state, county or township road, written approval of the access by the Illinois Department of Transportation, County Highway Department or Township Road Commissioner.
(Prior Code, § 150.014) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   The subdivider shall file 12 prints of the preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision in the office of the Zoning Administrator with a filing fee of $100 to be deposited in the appropriate village account. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission, and then by the Village Board.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall retain one print on file and distribute the prints as follows:
      (1)   Five prints to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   One print to the Superintendent of Public Works;
      (3)   One print to the village’s consulting engineer;
      (4)   One print to the County Superintendent of Highways;
      (5)   One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner or IDOT, if applicable;
      (6)   One print to the Village Clerk;
      (7)   One print to the village’s fire protection district; and
      (8)   The reviewing entities shall transmit any comments or requirements in writing to the Planning Commission within one week of receipt.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall meet and recommend to the Village Board that it approve or disapprove the preliminary plan no later than 30 days after the plan was filed with the Zoning Administrator. However, no review will take place and no recommendation will be made by the Planning Commission until the Village Board has approved the location and sketch maps. Failure by the Planning Commission to act within 30 days shall constitute a recommendation of disapproval of the plan.
   (D)   A location and sketch map and a preliminary plan may be submitted simultaneously and, at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, may be considered simultaneously and voted for approval or disapproval at the same meeting of the Plan Commission.
(Prior Code, § 150.015) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996; Ord. 2007-028, passed 7-16-2007)