(A) The subdivider shall file 12 prints of the preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision in the office of the Zoning Administrator with a filing fee of $100 to be deposited in the appropriate village account. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission, and then by the Village Board.
(B) The Zoning Administrator shall retain one print on file and distribute the prints as follows:
(1) Five prints to the Planning Commission;
(2) One print to the Superintendent of Public Works;
(3) One print to the village’s consulting engineer;
(4) One print to the County Superintendent of Highways;
(5) One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner or IDOT, if applicable;
(6) One print to the Village Clerk;
(7) One print to the village’s fire protection district; and
(8) The reviewing entities shall transmit any comments or requirements in writing to the Planning Commission within one week of receipt.
(C) The Planning Commission shall meet and recommend to the Village Board that it approve or disapprove the preliminary plan no later than 30 days after the plan was filed with the Zoning Administrator. However, no review will take place and no recommendation will be made by the Planning Commission until the Village Board has approved the location and sketch maps. Failure by the Planning Commission to act within 30 days shall constitute a recommendation of disapproval of the plan.
(D) A location and sketch map and a preliminary plan may be submitted simultaneously and, at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, may be considered simultaneously and voted for approval or disapproval at the same meeting of the Plan Commission.
(Prior Code, § 150.015) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996; Ord. 2007-028, passed 7-16-2007)
(A) Recommendation of approval. If the Planning Commission finds that the preliminary plan meets the requirements of this chapter, the Planning Commission shall forward three prints of the preliminary plan to the Village Board, together with minutes of all meetings at which the preliminary plan was considered. The Chairperson shall indicate its recommendation of approval on the plan in substantially the following language:
The Planning Commission of the Village of Riverton recommends that this preliminary plan of subdivision be approved. This is not an approval of the final plat and is not to be recorded. By: Date: |
(B) Recommendation of disapproval. If the Planning Commission finds that the preliminary plan does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, it shall inform the subdivider of its recommendation of disapproval at the meeting when a vote is taken, followed within seven calendar days by a written recommendation of disapproval stating the non-compliance found. Unless the subdivider indicates its desire to amend the preliminary plan in accordance with division (C) below, either verbally at the Planning Commission meeting (which shall be reflected in the minutes) or in writing within seven calendar days of receipt of the written recommendation, then three prints of the proposed preliminary plan with the written findings of the Planning Commission recommending disapproval shall be submitted to the Village Board, together with minutes of all meetings at which the preliminary plan was considered. The Chairperson shall indicate the Planning Commission’s recommendation of disapproval on the plan in substantially the following language.
The Planning Commission of the Village of Riverton recommends that this preliminary plan of subdivision be disapproved. By: Date: |
(C) Amendments.
(1) If the subdivider desires to amend the preliminary plan prior to its being considered by the Village Board, the subdivider shall submit 12 prints of the amended plan to the Zoning Administrator, which shall be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission. No filing fee shall be necessary if the amended preliminary plan is filed within two calendar months of the date the Planning Commission recommends disapproval.
(2) The Zoning Administrator shall transmit copies of the amended plan as described in § 155.077 of this chapter, and review or proceed as indicated in that section.
(Prior Code, § 150.016) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
Not later than the second regularly scheduled meeting after its receipt of the prints of the preliminary plan recommending approval or disapproval by the Planning Commission and of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings considering the preliminary plan, the Village Board shall consider approval or disapproval of the preliminary plan. At such meeting, the subdivider may appear and be heard by the Village Board if it so desires. The Village Board shall, by resolution, approve or disapprove the preliminary plat, and shall appropriately endorse the prints of the preliminary plan and, if the preliminary plan is approved, the original of the preliminary plan, as follows:
[Dis]approved by resolution of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Riverton this day of , . Village President Attest: Village Clerk |
(Prior Code, § 150.017) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
(A) The preliminary plan shall be valid for a period of three years after Village Board approval. If the final plat has not been submitted to the Planning Commission within said three-year period; or, if submitted, no final plat is approved, the preliminary plan shall expire.
(B) If the subdivider has not submitted a final plat within three years after preliminary plan approval, but wishes to avoid expiration of the plan, the subdivider shall seek reaffirmation of the plan by submitting 13 prints to the Village Clerk for review according to the review schedule established by the Planning Commission in accordance with §§ 155.077 through 155.079 of this chapter no later than 35 months after the initial Village Board approval. If the subdivider has submitted a final plat within said three-year period, but it is not approved during or after said three-year period, the subdivider may avoid expiration of the preliminary plan by making the same preliminary plan reaffirmation submission described above, provided that if the disapproval of the final plat occurs during or after the thirty-fifth month, the submission required shall be made within one month of such disapproval. In such event, the review process in §§ 155.077 through 155.079 of this chapter shall be followed.
(C) Where reaffirmation of the preliminary plan is sought, the Planning Commission shall recommend, and the Village Board shall require, any changes in the plan it deems necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter. If the subdivider has not resubmitted the preliminary plan with the required changes to the Village Board within 30 days after the Village Board meeting requiring changes or, if the resubmitted plan is disapproved, the plan shall expire at that time or at the end of any appeal process provided for in this chapter, whichever is later.
(D) A preliminary plan may be reaffirmed one time. If a final plat has not been submitted to the Planning Commission within three years from the date of the reaffirmation or, if submitted, is not approved, the plan shall expire.
(E) Final plat approval shall extend the validity of the preliminary plan for three years from the date of final plat approval; provided that, the Planning Commission may require any changes necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter and, in such an event, the provisions of division (C) above with respect to resubmission shall apply. The preliminary plan may be reaffirmed one time after each final plat approval. If another final plat has not been resubmitted within three years from the date of the reaffirmation, the preliminary plan shall expire. In the event a preliminary plan expires, a subdivider wishing to proceed with subdivision of the land involved must resubmit a location and sketch map for review and proceed as in the case of an original submittal.
(Prior Code, § 150.018) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)