Chapter 4733-37, “Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio” as adopted by the State Board of Registration and any other requirements for instruments of conveyance and surveys that may be adopted by the county shall be considered a part of these regulations.
The final plat shall contain the following information:
(a) Name of the subdivision, location by section, range and township, or by VMS number; date, north point, the graphic or bar scale and acreage.
(b) Names and addresses of the subdivider, and the professional surveyor who prepared the final plat.
(c) Plat boundaries, based on accurate traverse, with angular and lineal dimensions.
(d) Bearings and distances to nearest established street lines or other recognized permanent monuments.
(e) Exact locations, right-of-way and pavement widths, and names of all streets within and adjoining the plat; building setback lines.
(f) Radii, internal angles, points of curvatures, tangent bearings, length of arcs, and lengths and bearings of chords.
(g) All easements and rights-of-way provided for public services or utilities. All plats shall contain a restriction that no permanent structures or plantings, etc. shall be permitted in the easement area.
(h) All lot numbers and lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths.
(i) Accurate 1ocation and description of all monuments.
(j) Accurate outlines of areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, or any area to be reserved for common uses of all property owners.
(k) A list of any restrictions and covenants the subdivider intends to include in the deeds to the lots in the subdivision.
(l) Certification by a professional surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him and that the monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional details are correct; and that the location of and a description of all monuments and pins as specified, have been set in accordance with Section 1117.03.
(m) Notarized certification by the owner or owners of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas.
The following information shall be supplied in addition to the requirements in Section 1109.16:
(a) If a zoning change is involved, a letter from the Zoning Inspector shall be required stating that the change has been approved and is in effect.
(b) A letter from the Village Engineer shall be required stating that all required improvements have been either installed and approved by the proper officials or agencies, or that a bond or other surety has been furnished assuring installation of the required improvements.
The final plat original tracings shall be filed with the Village Planning Commission not later than twelve (12) months after the date of approval of the preliminary plat; otherwise, it will be considered void unless an extension is requested in writing by the subdivider and granted in writing by the Village Planning Commission. A copy of the final plat thus filed shall be transmitted to the Village Engineer. If found to be in full compliance with the formal provisions of these regulations, the Engineer will return said plat to the Commission, together with certification of approval.
The Village Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the final plat within thirty (30) days after it has been filed. Failure of the Commission to act upon the final plat within such time shall be deemed as approval of the plat. If the plat is disapproved, the grounds for disapprova1 shall be stated in the records of the Commission and a copy of said record shall be forwarded to the subdivider. The subdivider may make the necessary corrections and re-submit the final plat within thirty (30) days to the Commission for its final approval.
When the final plat has been approved by the Village Planning Commission, the original tracings shall be returned to the subdivider for filing with the County Recorder. After filing, the tracings shall become the property of the County Engineer. Another copy will be transmitted to the Village Council for necessary action on any proposed dedication.
Approval without a plat of a minor subdivision may be granted by the Village Planning Commission if the proposed division of a parcel of land meets all of the following conditions:
(a) The proposed subdivision is located along an existing public street or road and involves no opening, widening or extension of any street or road.
(b) No more than five (5) lots are involved after the original parcel has been completely subdivided.
(c) The proposed subdivision is not contrary to applicable subdivision or zoning regulations.
(d) The property has been surveyed and a sketch and legal description along with the conveyance or other legal instrument is submitted.
If approval is given under these provisions, the designated representative of the Village Planning Commission shall, within seven (7) working days after submission, approve such proposed division and, upon presentation of a conveyance for such parcel, shall stamp "Approved by Richwood Village Planning Commission, no plat required," and the designated representative of the Commission shall sign the conveyance.
Performance bonds or other surety such as certified check or letter of credit, shall be required as stated in Section 1109.14, to assure the proper authorities that completion of the required improvements will be made and that the improvements will be in conformance with the standards established in these regulations.
The Village Council shall secure approval as to the form, sufficiency and execution of the surety from their appropriate legal counsel. The surety shall not be released until the Village Engineer has certified satisfactory completion of all the required improvements and the dedication of land and facilities for public use has been submitted to the Village Council as set forth in Section 1109.14. The amount of the surety may be reduced on a prorated basis, for completion of portions of the required improvements as approved by the Village Engineer if those required improvements have been dedicated for public use. In no event shall a surety be reduced below twenty percent (20%) of the principal amount. If the improvements are not completed on or before the completion date as established in Section 1109.14, then the Village Council may exercise the conditions of the bond or other surety and secure the completion of the improvements through the bonding company or the person, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, corporation or institution which provided the letter of credit or other surety guarantee.
Maintenance bonds or other surety shall be required by the Village to assure maintenance of all improvements in the subdivision by the subdivider, until dedication of said improvements are formally accepted by the Village Council. The amount of the surety shall be determined by the Village Engineer and be submitted and approved in the same manner as performance bonds or other sureties. Prior to formal acceptance of dedication, the subdivider shall provide for the upkeep and maintenance of all improvements, including snow removal. The maintenance surety shall be submitted for a period of at least one (1) year after the completion of the improvements and offer of dedication for public use is made, whichever occurs later, and shall not be required for longer than two (2) years.