Based on the preliminary plat and the required changes relating thereto, if any, the subdivider shall cause to be prepared by a registered professiona1 engineer a complete set of drawings and specifications of improvements of construction and utility plans. All typical sections and major engineering details to be used on any particular street or road shall be approved in advance by the Village Engineer before completion of the plans or commencement of construction.
The approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a maximum period of 12 months unless an extension is requested in writing by the subdivider and granted in writing by the Planning Commission and shall guarantee that the terms under which the approval was granted will not be affected by changes to these regulations.
The subdivider, having received approval of the preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision and approva1 of all improvements thereon, shall submit a final plat of the subdivision. The final plat will have incorporated all changes in the preliminary plat required by the Village Planning Commission. Otherwise, it shall conform to the preliminary plat, and may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time. Unless otherwise required by the Village Planning Commission, no final plat is required for subdivisions which propose no immediate or future transfer of property, and/or propose no dedication of public facilities.
An application for approval of the final plat on forms provided by the Village Planning Commission, together with a minimum of seven copies of the plat and the supplementary information specified, shall be submitted to the Village Planning Commission's designated representative at least fourteen (14) days and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the Commission at which action is requested. The final plat shall be prepared by a professional surveyor and the supplementary information shall be prepared by a professional engineer.
Prior to the granting of approval of the final plat the subdivider shall have installed the required improvements, or shall have furnished a performance bond, certified check or letter of credit to the Village for the amount of the estimated construction cost of the installation of the improvements as approved by the Village Engineer. Before the bond, certified check or letter of credit is accepted, it shall be approved by the Village Council and their legal counsel. The term of the bond, certified check or letter of credit shall extend twelve months beyond the completion date of the project unless released prior thereto by the Village Council. A completion date shall be established by the subdivider and approved by the appropriate officials. The completion date shall be stated in the bond, certified check or letter of credit. The period of time stipulated shall not exceed two years from the date of the final plat approval unless an extension is requested in writing by the subdivider and granted in writing by the Village Council.
The final plat shall be legibly drawn in India ink on tracing cloth or other materials of equal permanence. It shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, and shall be on one (1) or more sheets 24 by 36 inches in size. If more than one (1) sheet is needed, each sheet shall be numbered and the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown.