(a) No person in a park shall operate an all-terrain vehicle, air balloon, hang glider, or metal detector.
(b) No person in a park shall operate a snowmobile, engage in sledding, skiing, or ice skating except in areas and times designated by the Director.
(c) Gambling is prohibited unless approved by the Director and pursuant to R.C. Chapter 2915.
(d) No person shall hit a golf ball or practice golf.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) Acts of employees of the City, to the extent necessary for the performance of their authorized duties shall be exempt from the provisions of these rules and regulations.
(b) The Director may from time to time designate a Department staff member or members to exercise any authority permitted him under these rules and regulations.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) Peace officers and Department staff members may order any person violating any of the provisions of these rules and regulations to leave the park and no person shall fail to obey such orders.
(b) Any person repeatedly violating rules and regulations may lose the privilege of entering a park for a period of time as designated by the Director therein.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
The Parks and Recreation Director shall announce his/her intention to act pursuant to and under the authority granted by Section 6.08 of the Charter by filing notice with the Clerk of Council. Any such action shall become effective upon the filing of such notice and shall remain in effect unless disapproved by a resolution of Council within 30 days from the first committee meeting that is held, after the filing of notice with the Clerk of Council. The powers of the Director of Parks and Recreation shall not be limited by the specific enumeration of subjects contained in this chapter.
(Ord. 15-12. Passed 3-12-12; Ord. 30-13. Passed 5-28-13; Ord. 61- 2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(g) Violations of any section of Chapter 971 shall be a minor misdemeanor or cause for ejection from the park unless otherwise specified in Section 971.99.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)