Municipal Parks
971.01   Definitions.
971.03   Park hours.
971.05   Use of ball field lights. (Repealed)
971.07   Scheduled events and activities.
971.08   Program and facility fees and charges. (Repealed)
971.09   Vehicles.
971.11   Protection of natural and ecological environment.
971.13   Animals.
971.15   Personal conduct.
971.16   Intoxicating liquor/controlled substances, harmful intoxicants.
971.17   Power models, toy engine units and drones.
971.19   Firearms and weapons.
971.21   Camping.
971.23   Fires.
971.25   Commercial activities.
971.27   Erecting and attaching signs.
971.29   Water activities.
971.30   Littering, importing of rubbish and trash prohibited and pet owner(s) responsibility.
971.31   Fireworks and explosives.
971.32   Pollution of water.
971.33   Prohibited activities.
971.35   Employee exemptions.
971.37   Ejection from the park.
971.38   Approval by Council; Director’s powers.
971.99   Penalty.
   Land appropriation for parks - see Ohio R. C. 715.21, 719.01
   Parks and playgrounds - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 755
   Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks - see Ohio R. C. 4511.07(E)
   Parks and Recreation Board - see ADM. Ch. 159
   Parks and Recreation Trust Fund - see ADM. 159.01
   Whenever used in this chapter, the meaning of the following words and terms shall be as follows:
   "Department" shall mean the City of Reynoldsburg, Parks and Recreation Department.
   "Director" shall mean the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
   "Park" shall mean any land or water area owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the Department.
   "Commission" shall mean the Parks and Recreation Commission.
   "Parks and Recreation Department" shall mean the City of Reynoldsburg, Parks and Recreation Department.
   "Peace officer" shall mean a City of Reynoldsburg employee qualified to enforce the rules and regulations of the Department pursuant to R.C. § 1545.13, and every other law enforcement officer of the City of Reynoldsburg, State of Ohio or of any political subdivision thereof, including, but not limited to, State Highway Patrolmen, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Division of Wildlife Officers.
   "Person" shall mean any individual, company, partnership, corporation, or association, or combination of individuals, or any employee, agent or officer thereof.
   "Park waters" shall mean any lake, pond, stream, channel or other body of water, or any part thereof, whether natural or artificial, located in a park.
   "Fish or fishing" shall mean taking or attempting to take fish by any method, and all other acts as placing, setting, drawing or using any device commonly used to take fish whether resulting in such taking or not.
   "Animal or animals" shall mean quadrupeds, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
   "Motor vehicle" shall mean any vehicle propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power.
   "Vehicle" shall mean everything on wheels.
   "Watercraft" shall mean any vessel designed for navigation or water, including, but not limited to any rowboat, sailboat or motorboat.
   "Motorboat" shall mean any watercraft propelled by any mechanical device, electric motor, or internal combustion engine.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
971.03 PARK HOURS.
   All City parks shall be open to the public from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 971.05 was repealed by Ordinance No. 61- 2021, passed May 10, 2021.)
   (a)   No person shall schedule a public event in a park without written authorization of the Director.
   (b)   Parks and Recreation Department events and programs have priority over any other.
   (c)   Events and activities that are not scheduled in advance with the Parks and Recreation Department are subject to cancellation by the Department.
   (d)   Exclusive use of some parks or recreational facilities may require payment of a fee and proof of insurance.
   (e)   An organization utilizing a park or recreational facility for a reserved or scheduled function shall, as a condition of the reservation and scheduling, be responsible for providing adequate control and supervision over members and guests utilizing the parks or recreation facility. Organizations scheduling and reserving recreational facilities are thereby also insuring that the park or recreational facility used is not damaged by the use of their members and guests at the function. Upon notice and hearing before the Mayor or Hearing Officer designated by him/her, if it is determined that, by the exercise of adequate control and supervision, the organization could have prevented the violation or damage or substantially decreased the likelihood of same occurring, the Mayor or Hearing Officer may thereafter refuse to schedule or reserve a park or recreational facility for the organization for a maximum period of 18 months.
   (f)   Actual games will have scheduling priority over practice sessions and scrimmages.
   (g)   All organizations and teams are required to submit complete rosters of all participants with name, address and phone number. Failure to do so will result in not being put on the schedule.
   (h)   The Parks and Recreation Department will make its best effort to get organizations scheduled into a slot that will work for them.
   (i)   The Department will mow the turf associated with the rental (i.e. outfield, soccer field, etc.) and drag the infield of a baseball/softball diamond of the field unless otherwise agreed upon. Additional work may require additional payment by the user.
   (j)   The organization must provide the Department with their request for field usage. The request will include the following:
      (1)   Name of the organization/team.
      (2)   Contact person(s) with home address and phone number.
      (3)   Complete roster with verifiable addresses and phone numbers for each member of the organization/team.
      (4)   Field(s) requested and the park that fields are located in if known.
      (5)   Days and times requested.
   (k)   The organization/team will be required to sign a field use agreement outlining the responsibilities of the organization/team and the Department.
   (l)   No user fee is charged for the following:
      (1)   Any City of Reynoldsburg sponsored function.
      (2)   Scheduled functions of the Reynoldsburg City Schools.
      (3)   A minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) liability insurance is required for any event in this category. Named as additional insured on the certificate will be the City of Reynoldsburg, its agents, officers, employees and volunteers. This certificate must be provided to the City of Reynoldsburg for review no less than 30 days prior to the event.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 50-04. Passed 5-10-04; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 971.08 was repealed by Ordinance No. 30-13, passed May 28, 2013.)
971.09 VEHICLES.
   (a)   Driving in permitted areas. No person shall operate a vehicle except on and within the roads provided for such vehicles.
   (b)   Barricades. No person in a park shall drive around, cause to be moved, or damage any barricade or barrier so placed to temporarily or permanently close a road to traffic.
   (c)   Speed. No person in a park shall operate a motor vehicle at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour in a park or recreational facility.
   (d)   Parking. No person shall park any vehicle except in places designated for this purpose. All vehicles must park as directed.
   (e)   After hours parking. No person shall leave a vehicle in a park during the hours when a park is closed.
   (f)   One-way roads. No person in a park shall drive a vehicle on a road or path in the direction other than that indicated by the traffic signs.
   (g)   Trucks. No person in a park shall drive a truck, tractor, or other vehicle, which is at that time used for transportation of goods or material, without a permit from the Director.
   (h)   Load limits. No person shall operate, move, park, or locate a vehicle, or combination of vehicles, having a gross load capacity in excess of three-fourths of a ton in a park or recreational facility unless the prior approval of the Department of Parks and Recreation is obtained.
   (i)   Safety. No person shall drive or propel any vehicle along or over any park road in a reckless manner without due regard for the safety of pedestrians and drivers and all other occupants of any vehicle.
   (j)   Impounding vehicles. Vehicles in parks in violation of these rules and regulations shall be removed or caused to be removed by peace officers to a location, in or outside of the park where the same may be kept until owners, or their authorized representative, obtain an order from the Director or his/her agents releasing such vehicles to the owners thereof, or their authorized representatives.
   (k)   No person in a park shall intentionally accelerate a motor vehicle causing the rubber to mark park roadway surfaces.
   (l)   No person shall park any motor vehicle or other means of conveyance, walk, or trespass upon any area during the hours when a park is closed except by a permit from the Director.
   (m)   No person who is not handicapped or operating a motor vehicle to transport a handicapped person shall stop, stand, or park any motor vehicle at specifically designated locations provided for the handicapped.
   (n)   No person shall drive or propel any vehicle along or over any park road without complying with all traffic signs and posted regulations.
   (o)   No person shall operate any motorized vehicle along any path, walking path, bikeway or skate park without authorization of the Director.
   (p)   No person, except in an emergency, shall repair a vehicle in any park.
   (q)   No person shall change oil, wash, wax, polish or otherwise clean any vehicle, in any park.
   (r)   No person shall operate a snowmobile upon or over any area administered by the Department except in those areas so designated.
   (s)   No person shall operate any vehicle upon the frozen surface of any waterway.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
   (a)   No person shall injure, deface, disturb, or damage in any manner any part of the park property or part thereof, which is owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the Parks and Recreation Department; nor shall any trees, shrubs, wildflowers or other plants, animals, fossils or minerals be removed, injured or destroyed.
   (b)   Special exceptions to the above may be permitted for the purposes of scientific research, if approved guidelines are followed and collecting of natural minerals, plants and animals is authorized by written permit of the Director.
   (c)   Exceptions to the above could also be made for removal of non-native (alien or exotic) species and trees that present a clear and unacceptable risk as determined by the Department personnel and for generally accepted land management practices.
   (d)   No person shall install or plant any materials except with a permit from the Director.
   (e)   No person shall climb or rappel any rock escarpment or other natural features.
   (f)   No invasive species to be planted as per federal and state guidelines.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)