971.01 Definitions.
971.03 Park hours.
971.05 Use of ball field lights. (Repealed)
971.07 Scheduled events and activities.
971.08 Program and facility fees and charges. (Repealed)
971.09 Vehicles.
971.11 Protection of natural and ecological environment.
971.13 Animals.
971.15 Personal conduct.
971.16 Intoxicating liquor/controlled substances, harmful intoxicants.
971.17 Power models, toy engine units and drones.
971.19 Firearms and weapons.
971.21 Camping.
971.23 Fires.
971.25 Commercial activities.
971.27 Erecting and attaching signs.
971.29 Water activities.
971.30 Littering, importing of rubbish and trash prohibited and pet owner(s) responsibility.
971.31 Fireworks and explosives.
971.32 Pollution of water.
971.33 Prohibited activities.
971.35 Employee exemptions.
971.37 Ejection from the park.
971.38 Approval by Council; Director’s powers.
971.99 Penalty.
Land appropriation for parks - see Ohio R. C. 715.21, 719.01
Parks and playgrounds - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 755
Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks - see Ohio R. C. 4511.07(E)
Parks and Recreation Board - see ADM. Ch. 159
Parks and Recreation Trust Fund - see ADM. 159.01
Whenever used in this chapter, the meaning of the following words and terms shall be as follows:
"Department" shall mean the City of Reynoldsburg, Parks and Recreation Department.
"Director" shall mean the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
"Park" shall mean any land or water area owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the Department.
"Commission" shall mean the Parks and Recreation Commission.
"Parks and Recreation Department" shall mean the City of Reynoldsburg, Parks and Recreation Department.
"Peace officer" shall mean a City of Reynoldsburg employee qualified to enforce the rules and regulations of the Department pursuant to R.C. § 1545.13, and every other law enforcement officer of the City of Reynoldsburg, State of Ohio or of any political subdivision thereof, including, but not limited to, State Highway Patrolmen, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Division of Wildlife Officers.
"Person" shall mean any individual, company, partnership, corporation, or association, or combination of individuals, or any employee, agent or officer thereof.
"Park waters" shall mean any lake, pond, stream, channel or other body of water, or any part thereof, whether natural or artificial, located in a park.
"Fish or fishing" shall mean taking or attempting to take fish by any method, and all other acts as placing, setting, drawing or using any device commonly used to take fish whether resulting in such taking or not.
"Animal or animals" shall mean quadrupeds, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
"Motor vehicle" shall mean any vehicle propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power.
"Vehicle" shall mean everything on wheels.
"Watercraft" shall mean any vessel designed for navigation or water, including, but not limited to any rowboat, sailboat or motorboat.
"Motorboat" shall mean any watercraft propelled by any mechanical device, electric motor, or internal combustion engine.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)