(a) No person in or adjacent to a park shall operate any engine powered model or toy airplane or solid fuel rocket, without the written authorization of the Director. Such Director has the discretion of determining whether or not authorization should be given based on the other activities in the area and whether or not the operator has the necessary licensing.
(b) No written authorization shall be given for recreational drone activity in, on, or in the air space above a park owned and operated by the City of Reynoldsburg if such drone is required to be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration under the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (or as may be periodically amended)
(1) If an owner or operator of a recreational drone obtains written authorization as provided in subsection (a) of this section, such owner shall not fly the drone above 400 feet above ground level, outside the visual line of sight for the operator, over any group of people, and not within any controlled airspace.
(2) "Recreational drone activity" shall be defined as the operation of any unmanned aircraft that is operated remotely for the purpose of recreation and not for any pecuniary benefit.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) Unless otherwise permitted by state law, no person, except a police officer, shall possess or discharge a firearm, deadly weapon, dangerous ordnance, air rifle, slingshot or missile throwing device.
(b) Firearms, bows and arrows, knives, air or gas guns, missiles, slingshots or other missile throwing devices or any snares or traps brought into a park may be confiscated by peace officers.
(c) Affirmative defenses to a violation of division (a) of this section are self-defense, the discharge of official duty, when otherwise authorized by law, when participating in a City sponsored Parks and Recreation program or a competition event approved by the Director of Public Safety and, if the event is to be held in municipal park, the Director of Parks and Recreation.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) No person shall start a fire in the park except small fires for cooking purposes in park grills.
(b) The Director may at his/her discretion prohibit fires for limited periods at any location or for any purpose when necessary for the protection of the park.
(c) The Director may provide written authorization for ceremonial or other open fires for special events or programs. The fire department for the area may require a permit to be issued for said fire.
(d) All fires shall be properly contained and extinguished by the person or persons starting or using the same before leaving the immediate vicinity of the fire.
(e) No person shall collect wood in a park for any purpose.
(f) No person shall place portable stoves or grills in shelters or on combustible picnic tables.
(g) No person shall deposit burning material or hot ashes on grass or plants, or in refuse containers.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) No person in a park shall sell or offer for sale any article, privilege, or services unless such sales or offer is pursuant to a contract with the Department.
(b) No person in a park shall beg, peddle, or solicit for money, a privilege or service.
(c) No park shall be used for commercial purposes except with a permit from the Director.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)
(a) No person shall expose, distribute, erect or place any sign, handbill, pamphlet, advertisement, circular, notice or statement and no person shall display any banner, emblem or design for the purpose of promoting commercial activity within any park without a permit issued by the Director. The purpose of this section is not to prohibit or inhibit the expression of speech on public property but rather to prohibit litter within the park facilities and to preserve the aesthetic nature of the parks.
(b) Vessels and motor vehicles with semipermanent or permanent painted or installed signs are exempt, as long as they are used for authorized recreational activities only and comply with all other rules and regulations pertaining to vessels and motor vehicles.
(Ord. 37-03. Passed 5-27-03; Ord. 61-2021. Passed 5-10-21.)