EDITOR'S NOTE: Pursuant to the authority granted under Section 6.07 of the Charter and Ohio R. C. 729.51 and 743.02, the Director of Public Service has promulgated the following regulations which consist of the regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village of Reynoldsburg effective August 1, 1959, as modified. Ohio R. C. 729.51 and 743.02 provide that "such regulations shall have the same validity as ordinances when not repugnant thereto or to the constitution or laws of the State."
957.01 Definitions.
957.02 Water service builder's license.
957.03 Meter to be unobstructed for reading.
957.04 Service pipes.
957.05 Inspection; maintenance and repair.
957.06 Materials.
957.07 Construction.
957.08 Prohibitions.
957.09 Address for billing.
957.10 New construction service procedure.
957.11 Definitions.
957.12 Tapper's license.
957.13 House connections.
957.14 Inspection; maintenance and responsibility.
957.15 Materials.
957.16 Construction.
957.17 Address for billing.
Power to license sewer tappers - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
Compulsory water and sewer connections - see Ohio R. C. 729.06
Criminal mischief - see GEN. OFF. 541.04
Tampering with water system - see GEN. OFF. 541.08
(a) "Potable water" means water which does not contain contamination, objectionable pollution or infection and is considered satisfactory for domestic consumption.
(b) "Water main" means the water pipe located in a street or easement and from which the domestic water supply is delivered to the service pipe leading to the property.
(c) "Service pipe" means the water pipe extending from the curb stop to the building served.
(d) "Water system" is a comprehensive term which includes facilities for supplying, treating, pumping and distributing potable water.
(e) "Bookkeeping Clerk" means the person or agent duly appointed to conduct the business office of the water system.
(f) "Superintendent" means the person or agent of the water system duly appointed to supervise the operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of the system.
(g) "Engineer" means the registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Ohio, duly appointed by Council.
(h) "Person" means any individual, firm, company, corporation or group.
(i) "Public Service Director" means the Director of Public Service of the City.
(j) "Owner" means any person, group of persons, corporation, partnership or firm which holds title to a parcel or lot adjacent to the City water system or desires to purchase water from the City.
(k) "Fixture" or "appurtenance" means any valve, valve box, hydrant, meter, curb or corporation stop, curb box, tank, building, electric power pole or line, electric service mast or any other physical article owned or operated by or essential to the operation of the water system.
Any person desiring to install service pipes or tap the mains on any part of the water system shall make application to the Director of Public Service for a water service builder's license. Application for the license shall be furnished by the Director and shall be executed by the applicant and submitted together with evidence of prior experience, a performance bond on an approved company in the amount of not less than two thousand dollars ($2,000), a certificate of bodily injury liability and property damage insurance, minimum amount of bodily injury of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for each occurrence, aggregate of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and a minimum amount of property damage of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for each occurrence, aggregate of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), and an application fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The license shall be issued annually terminating December 31 of each year and shall not be transferable. The licensee shall carry the license and shall exhibit the same to any authorized agent of the Municipality on demand. Poor workmanship or violation of any of the regulations set forth hereinafter shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license by the Director. No service pipe shall be installed by any person without a license.
A Class "A" license will be issued for contractors desiring and qualified to tap water mains as well as install service pipe. A Class "B" license will be issued to persons desiring and qualified to install service pipe only. The Director shall be sole judge of the qualifications of the applicants.
(Ord. 42-78. Passed 3-27-78.)
(a) It shall be the owner's responsibility to keep the location of the meter clear of the obstructions to permit the reading of the meter. Nothing shall be placed, built or stored over or around the meter setting which will interfere with the accessibility of the meter for reading or replacement. A change of the location of the meter shall be subject to the approval of the City and the property owner shall pay the cost and expense of moving the meter. No person, other than a City employee or authorized representative, shall connect, disconnect or in any manner tamper with, adjust or service any water meter.
(b) No person shall cover up or interfere.-with any curb box, main water valve box, hydrant valve box, water meter, hydrant or manhole.
(Ord. 101-89. Passed 9-11-89.)