[Amended 9-9-1996 by Ord. No. 27-1996]
A. All full-time nonexempt employees, except elected officials, shall receive compensatory time as per the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act or as per union contract. Compensatory time must be approved prior to being earned or used except in emergency situations.
B. Exempt employees (not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act or any union contract provision) will be eligible for discretionary time. Discretionary time will not be on an hour- for-hour basis or reimbursed at time and 1/2 under any condition. Discretionary time off will be allowed only with the approval of the Mayor or Managing Director. Under no circumstances will there be any accrued hours that will be compensated for in any way.
A. Employees shall report to work in attire in such a manner as is compatible with their duties and acceptable healthy grooming and cleanliness standards.
B. Dress and grooming shall be dictated by provisions requiring the wearing of safety clothing or equipment necessary to be worn in order to protect the employee's health and safety.
A. The City reserves the right to discipline for just cause.
B. Supervisors shall notify the department director who in turn shall notify theHuman Resources Department of all infractions of these policies.
C. The Human Resources Department shall investigate the allegations and determine appropriate action to be taken.
D. Disciplinary offenses/procedures are contained in the employee handbook.
A. An employee may be separated or dismissed whenever his/her performance, as a result of an unfavorable performance evaluation, or conduct fall below the required job standards for City employees. The dismissal of a union employee shall be in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the City union agreement. See § 70-712, Disciplinary action, and § 70-308, Performance evaluation.
B. The executive branch shall have the right to lay off employees as may be deemed necessary by the executive branch in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreements.
C. Employees tendering a resignation shall be required to provide written notice of resignation at least 10 working days prior to the intended date of employment termination.
D. Death separation shall become effective as of the day following death. All compensation due the employee shall be paid to the estate of the employee, unless otherwise provided by law. There shall be no proration of vacation leave and in no event shall unused sick leave, compensatory time or other paid leave be considered.
E. Retirement of an eligible employee shall be subject to the same policies and procedures as outlined for resignation. However, should an employee wish to retire because of a sudden or extreme change in health, the notice requirement may be waived by the Managing Director. Upon retirement, an employee shall receive all unused vacation for the appropriate years of service with no prorating.
F. Upon resignation, one copy of the employee’s notice of resignation shall be sent to the department head and one copy shall be sent directly to the Human Resources Department.
G. All unused eligible vacation time shall be considered for prorated compensation. In no event shall unused sick leave be considered. Full-time employees shall be compensated for accumulated compensatory time to the extent of the lessor of:
(1) The hours accrued; or
(2) 240 hours.
H. An exit interview may be conducted, and, if requested by an employee, shall be conducted. Said interview may be used as a management tool to gain insight into the effectiveness of the City personnel and managerial practices and to determine when and if such practices need improvement. The Human Resources Director or his/her designee, when conducting such an interview, shall place a brief record of the interview in the permanent record of the employee.
I. At his/her discretion, the Human Resources Director or his/her designee may call an exit interview with an employee prior to separation.
J. Upon separation, all City property shall be returned.
21. Editor's Note: Amended during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).
A. An employee who cannot perform his/her job duties because of disability, non-work- connected injury or illness shall be removed upon expiration of all such sick leave, vacation and unpaid leave of absence.
B. The removal shall state that it is removal for disability and that if within a two-year period from removal, the employee is fit to return to his/her job duties, he/she will be given preference in hiring when a vacancy occurs.
C. The fact that he/she is physically fit shall be certified by physician statement.
D. When the employee is rehired, there shall be no loss of seniority other than the period between removal and rehiring.