Open Meetings
208.01   Purpose.
208.02   Application of chapter.
208.03   Definitions.
208.04   Meetings of Council.
208.05   Notice of regular and organizational meetings.
208.06   Notice of special meetings.
208.07   Notice to news media of special meetings; emergency meetings.
208.08   Notification of discussion of specific types of public business.
208.09   Obtaining information from Clerk; certification of compliance.
Council meetings - see CHTR. Art. X, §§5, 6, 10; 220.01 et seq.
Open meetings - see Ohio R.C. 121.22
Disturbing a lawful meeting - see GEN. OFF. 648.05
Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission - see P. & Z. 1220.02, 1220.03
Meetings of the Board of Zoning Appeals - see P. & Z. 1264.03 et seq.