Adoption of Regulatory Codes of Reference
151.001 Scope of ordinance and codes
151.002 Building Code adopted
151.003 Plumbing Code adopted
151.004 Heating Code adopted
151.005 Electrical Code adopted
151.006 Residential Building Code
151.007 Amendments to codes
151.008 Compliance with codes
151.009 Copies of codes filed with Clerk
Inspection Department
151.020 Organization of Department
151.021 Enforcement authority of County Inspection Department
151.022 General duties of Department and inspectors
151.023 Conflicts of interest
151.024 Reports and records
151.025 Inspection procedure
151.026 Oversight not to legalize violation
151.027 Powers of inspection officials
151.040 Registration of contractors
151.041 Bond required of contractors
151.042 Permits required
151.043 Plans and specifications
151.044 Limitations on issuance of permits
151.045 Issuance of permit
151.046 Revocation of permits
151.047 Time limitations on validity of permits
151.048 Changes in work
151.049 Permit fees
Condemnation, Repair, and Demolition
of Unsafe Buildings
of Unsafe Buildings
151.060 Duty of Inspection Department
Enforcement of Chapter
151.075 Duty of Inspection Department
Enforcement of Uniform Standards Code
for Mobile Homes
for Mobile Homes
151.090 Duty of Inspection Department
Abandoned Structures
151.105 Intent and findings of the Board of Commissioners
151.106 Purpose and scope
151.107 Owner’s responsibilities generally
151.108 Occupants’ responsibilities generally
151.109 Conditions rendering residential buildings unfit for human habitation; declaration of unsafe nonresidential building or structure
151.110 Unlawful to rent or occupy property after expiration of time limits under any orders issued pursuant to this subchapter
151.111 Unauthorized removal of orders or notices
151.112 Definitions
151.113 Subchapter supplemental; alternative remedies
151.114 Duties of the Code Enforcement Officer and Inspector
151.115 Powers of the Code Enforcement Officer and Inspector
151.116 Enforcement procedure
151.117 Methods of service of complaints and orders
151.118 In rem action by Inspector; demolition
151.119 Collection of costs; creation of lien on premises
151.120 Remedies; appeal by owner to Superior Court
151.121 Summary ejectment if occupants fail to obey order or ordinance to vacate
151.122 Emergency enforcement
151.123 Penalties and fees
151.124 Alternative remedies
151.125 Willful failure or refusal to comply with order
151.126 Subchapter to be supplementary
Minimum Standard Housing Code
151.140 Title
151.141 Exercise of police power; finding; purpose
151.142 Housing Code remedial
151.143 Scope
151.144 Existing buildings
151.145 Maintenance of buildings
151.146 Definitions
151.147 Administration
151.148 Minimum standards of fitness
151.149 Rooming house minimum standards
151.150 Responsibilities of owner and occupants
151.151 Procedure for enforcement
151.152 Method of service of complaints and orders
151.153 Conflict with other provisions
Nonresidential Buildings or Structures
151.170 Title
151.171 Purpose
151.172 Definitions
151.173 Maintenance standards for nonresidential buildings and structures
151.174 Duties of Code Enforcement Coordinator or Officer
151.175 Powers of Code Enforcement Coordinator or Officer
151.176 Inspections
151.177 Procedure for enforcement
151.178 Limitations on orders and ordinances; historic landmarks or historic district
151.179 Limitations on orders and ordinances; vacant manufacturing facility or vacant industrial warehouse
151.180 Vacated and closed nonresidential buildings or structures
151.181 In rem action by the Code Enforcement Coordinator or Officer
151.182 Costs; a lien on premises
151.183 Ejectment
151.184 Filing of ordinances
151.185 Alternative remedies
151.186 Board of Adjustment to hear appeals
151.187 Temporary injunction remedy for aggrieved person
151.188 Conflict with other provisions
151.999 Penalty
Flood damage prevention, see Ch. 153
Subdivision regulations, see Ch. 152
Zoning, see Ch. 154