Sec 94-142 Final Plat And Plat Record Specifications
   A.   Any final plat submitted to the Planning Commission and any plat submitted for recording shall have the following specifications:
      1.   The dimensions of the plat shall be twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch; or shall be a size that can be properly and conveniently folded to these dimensions and shall be drawn to a minimum scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch; except that plats in which all lots contain a net area in excess of forty thousand (40,000) square feet, the plat may be drawn to a scale of two hundred (200) feet to the inch;
      2.   The drawing surface of the plat shall have a binding margin of two (2) inches at the left side of the plat, a margin of not less than one (1) inch at the right side, and a margin of not less than one and one-half (1 1/2) inches at the top and bottom;
      3.   The original tracing of each plat and two (2) prints thereof shall be presented for recording;
      4.   The original plat shall be an original drawing made with India ink on a good grade linen tracing cloth or with a suitable black acetate-based ink on a stable polyester-based film coated upon completion with a suitable plastic material to prevent flaking and to ensure permanent legibility, or a print on a stable polyester-based film made by photographic processes from a film scribing tested for residual hypo with an approved hypo testing solution to ensure permanency;
      5.   Marginal lines, standard certificates, and approval forms may be printed or legibly stamped on the plat with permanent opaque black ink when permitted by local ordinance; and
      6.   The County Clerk may require one (1) of the prints to be a blueprint cloth and the other print to be a photographic matte film positive.
   B.   The final plat shall bear or be accompanied by the following information or materials:
      1.   Title data:
         a.   Name of the subdivision;
         b.   Name of the City, County, and State; and
         c.   Location and description of the subdivision, referenced to section, range and township.
      2.   Margin data:
         a.   Map scale, north arrow, and date;
         b.   Names and addresses of the developer and the engineer or surveyor;
         c.   A key map, on the first sheet in a plat series, showing the location of the subdivision referenced to government section corners, section lines and major streets. When more than two (2) sheets are required for the plat, the key map shall show the sheet number of the sheet for the area included on the sheet;
         d.   Owner's certificate and dedication, signed;
         e.   Surveyor's certificate or survey, signed and his seal;
         f.   Certificate for release of mortgage for any portion dedicated to the public, signed;
         g.   Reference to any separate instruments, including restrictive covenants, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds, which directly affect the land being subdivided;
         h.   The proper acknowledgements of owners and the consent of the mortgagee to plat restrictions;
         i.   County Treasurer's certificate;
         j.   Approval certificate of the Planning Commission, and the date, over the signature of the Planning Commission Chairman;
         k.   Certificate of City Council acceptance of ways, easements, and the public land dedications; and
         l.   Certificate of Health Department approval, where sanitary sewers are not proposed, signed.
      3.   Existing and proposed conditions:
         a.   The length of all required lines dimensioned in feet and decimals thereof and the value of all required true bearings and angles dimensioned in degrees and minutes, as specified in this section;
         b.   The boundary lines of the land being subdivided, fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings, and the location of boundary lines of adjoining lands with adjacent subdivisions identified by official names;
         c.   The lines of all proposed streets, fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings or angles;
         d.   The lines of all proposed alleys. Where the length or direction of an alley is not readily discernible from data given for lot and block lines, the length and bearing shall be given;
         e.   The widths and names, where appropriate, of all proposed streets and alleys, and of all adjacent streets, alleys, and easements which shall be properly located;
         f.   The lines of all proposed lots, fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings or angles, except that where a lot line meets a street line at right angles, the angle or bearing value may be omitted;
         g.   The outline of any property which is offered for dedication to public use, fully dimensioned and marked "public";
         h.   Blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the lots numbered consecutively throughout each block, with areas to be excluded from platting marked "reserved" or "not a part";
         i.   The location of all building lines, setback lines, and easements for public services or utilities, with dimensions showing their location;
         j.   The radii, arcs, points, or tangency, points of intersection and central angles for curvilinear streets and radii for all property returns; and
         k.   The location and description of all section corners and permanent survey monuments in or near the tract. Reference to at least one (1), and preferably two (2), known survey control points shall be shown by angle and distance.
      4.   Floodplain subdivision materials:
         a.   All information required on the preliminary plat, including, but not limited to, regulatory flood elevations, boundaries of flood prone areas, fills, flood protection works, and areas subject to special deed restrictions;
         b.   Floodway and floodway fringe areas determined by the City;
         c.   Final plans for any sanitary, sewers, with grading, pipe sizes and points of discharge;
         d.   Final plans for drainage systems, with grading, impacting, storage, and regulating structures, pipe sizes and location of outlets; and
         e.   Final plans for any water supply and distribution system, with pipe sizes and location of hydrants.
(Code 1991, § 12-448)
State Law reference- Plat record specifications, 11 O.S. § 41-108.