Part 1 Organization
155.4101. Principal Use Classification System
A. Purpose
B. Structure of Principal Use Classification System
C. Residential Use Classification
D. Institutional Use Classification
E. Commercial Use Classification
F. Industrial Classification
G. Accessory Uses and Structures
H. Temporary Uses and Structures
I. Uses involving Alcoholic Beverage Sales
Part 2 Principal Uses and Structures
155.4201. General
A. Purpose
B. Standards Applicable to All Uses
C. Development with Multiple Principal Use Types
D. Applicability of Principal Use Standards
E. Abbreviations Used in Principal Use District Tables
155.4202. Residential: Household Living Uses
A. Mixed Income Residential and Mixed Use Density Bonus Policies
B. Dwelling, Mobile Home
C. Dwelling, Multifamily
D. Dwelling, Single-Family
E. Dwelling, Single-Family (Zero Lot Line)
F. Dwelling, Two-Family
G. Dwelling, Mixed Use
H. Family Community Residence
I. Transitional Community Residence
J. Mobile Home Park
155.4203. Residential: Group Living Uses
A. Assisted Living Facility
B. Recovery Community
C. Continuing Care Retirement Community
D. Rooming or Boarding House
155.4204. Institutional: Communication Uses
A. Newspaper or Magazine Publishing
B. Radio or Television Station
C. Telecommunications Facility
D. Telecommunications Facility, Collocated on an Existing Structure Other than a Telecommunications Tower
E. Telecommunications Facility, Collocated on an Existing Telecommunications Tower
F. Telecommunications Facility, on New Freestanding Tower
155.4205. Institutional: Community Service Uses
A. Community Center
B. Library
C. Museum
D. Senior Center
E. Youth Center
155.4206. Institutional: Day Care Uses
A. Adult Day Care Center
B. Child Care Facility
155.4207. Institutional: Education Uses
A. College or University
B. School, Elementary
C. School, High
D. School, Middle
E. Vocational or Trade School
F. Specialty Arts School
155.4208. Institutional: Government Uses
A. Correctional Facility
B. Courthouse Facility
C. Fire or EMS Station
D. Fire Training Facility
E. Government Administrative Offices
F. Government Maintenance, Storage, or Distribution Facility
G. Police Station
H. Post Office
155.4209. Institutional: Health Care Uses
A. Medical Office
B. Specialty Medical Facility
C. Urgent Care Facility 24-Hours
D. Specialty Hospital
E. General Hospital
F. Medical or Dental Lab
G. Nursing Home Facility
155.4210. Institutional: Open Space Uses
A. Arboretum or Botanical Garden
B. Cemetery or Mausoleum
C. Community Garden
D. Park or Plaza
155.4211. Institutional: Other Institutional Uses
A. Civic Center
B. Halfway House
C. Lodge or Club
D. Place of Worship
E. Shelter
155.4212. Institutional: Transportation Uses
A. Aircraft or Aviation Equipment Sales or Rental
B. Aviation Related Uses
C. Helicopter Landing Facility
D. Transportation Passenger Station/Terminal
155.4213. Institutional: Utility Uses
A. Solar Energy Collection System (as a principal use)
B. Utility Use, Major
C. Utility Use, Minor
155.4214. Commercial: Animal Care Uses
A. Animal Grooming
B. Animal Shelter or Kennel
C. Pet Hotel
D. Veterinary Hospital or Clinic
E. Pet Shop
155.4215. Commercial: Boat and Marine Sales And Service Uses
A. Standards Applicable to Boat and Marine Sales and Service Uses
B. Boat Dry Storage Facility
C. Boat or Marine Parts Sales without Installation
D. Boat or Marine Parts Sales with Installation
E. Boat or Marine Repair and Servicing
F. Boat Sales or Rental
G. Boat Towing Service
H. Docking Facility, Barge
I. Docking Facility, Commercial Fishing Boat
J. Docking Facility, Recreational Boat
K. Marina
L. Yacht Club
155.4216. Commercial: Business Support Uses
A. Business Service Center
B. Conference or Training Center
C. Day Labor Service
D. Employment Agency
E. Parcel Services
F. Telephone Call Center
G. Travel Agency
155.4217. Commercial: Commercial or Membership Recreation/Entertainment Uses
A. Amusement Arcade
B. Arena, Stadium, or Amphitheater
C. Auditorium or Theater
D. Bowling Alley or Skating Rink
E. Gaming Establishment
F. Golf Course
G. Golf Driving Range
H. Miniature Golf Course
I. Motion Picture Theater
JM. Racing Facility, Dog or Horse
K. Racquet Sports Facility
L. Sport Shooting and Training Range
M. Other Indoor Commercial or Membership Recreation/Entertainment Use
N. Other Outdoor Commercial or Membership Recreation/Entertainment Use
155.4218. Commercial: Eating and Drinking Establishments
A. Bar or Lounge
B. Brewpub
C. Hall for Hire
D. Nightclub
E. Restaurant
F. Specialty Eating or Drinking Establishment
155.4219. Commercial: Motor Vehicle Sales and Service Uses
A. Standards Applicable to Motor Vehicle Sales and Service Uses
B. Automotive Painting or Body Shop
C. Automotive Parts Sales without Installation
D. Automotive Parts Sales with Installation
E. Automotive Repair and Maintenance Facility
F. Automotive Wrecker Service
G. Battery Exchange Station
H. Car Wash or Auto Detailing
I. Gasoline Filling Station
J. New Automobile and Light Truck Sales
K. Used Automobile and Light Truck Sales with Indoor Display Only
L. Used Automobile and Light Truck Sales with Outdoor Display
M. Automobile and Light Truck Rental
N. Muffler/Transmission Sales and Installation
O. Parking Deck or Garage (as a principal use)
P. Parking Lot (as a principal use)
Q. Taxi or Limousine Service Facility
R. Tire Sales and Mounting
S. Heavy Truck/Recreational Vehicle/Trailer Repair and Servicing
T. Heavy Truck/Recreational Vehicle/Trailer Sales
U. Heavy Truck/Recreational Vehicle/Trailer Rental
V. Limited Auto Dealership - Fleet Automobile Sales
W. Used Luxury Automobile Sales with Indoor/Outdoor Display
155.4220. Commercial: Office Uses
A. Contractor's Office
B. Professional Office
155.4221. Commercial: Retail Sales and Service Uses - Personal Services
A. Art, Music, or Dance Studio
C. Bank or Financial Institution
D. Crematory
E. Dry-Cleaning or Laundry Drop-Off Establishment
F. Fortune-Telling Establishment
G. Funeral Home or Mortuary
H. Laundromat
I. Lawn Care, Pool, or Pest Control Service
J. Personal and Household Goods Repair Establishment
K. Personal Services Establishment
L. Tattoo or Body Piercing Establishment
M. Check Cashing or Payday Loan Store
155.4222. Commercial: Retail Sales and Service Uses - Retail Sales
A. Antique Store
B. Art Gallery
C. Auction House
D. Book or Media Shop
E. Consignment Boutique
F. Convenience Store
G. Grocery Store
H. Drug Store or Pharmacy
I. Farmers' Market (as a principal use)
J. Flea Market
K. Home and Building Supply Center
L. Local Liquor or Package Store
M. Regional Liquor or Package Store
N. Beer or Wine Store
O. Pawn Shop
P. Thrift Shop
Q. Retail Sales Establishment, Large
R. Indoor Mall or Marketplace
S. Other Retail Sales Establishment
155.4223. Commercial: Self-Service Storage Uses
A. Self-Storage or Mini-Warehouse Facility
155.4224. Commercial: Sexually Oriented Businesses
A. Sexually Oriented Business
155.4225. Commercial: Visitor Accommodation Uses
A. Condo Hotel
B. Bed and Breakfast Inn
C. Hotel or Motel
155.4226. Industrial: Industrial Services Uses
A. Building, Heating/Air Conditioning, Plumbing, or Electrical Contractor's Storage Yard
B. Educational, Scientific, or Industrial Research and Development
C. Electric Motor Repair
D. Fuel Oil or Bottled Gas Distribution
E. Fuel Oil Storage
F. General Industrial Services
G. Heavy Equipment Establishment
H. Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, or Dyeing Facility
I. Machine Shop
J. Metal-Working, Welding, Plumbing, or Gas, Steam, or Water Pipe Fitting
K. Audio and Visual Recording and Production Studio
L. Printing or Other Similar Reproduction Facility
M. Repair of Scientific or Professional Instruments
N. Tool Repair Shop
155.4227. Industrial: Manufacturing and Production Uses
A. Boat Manufacturing
B. Furniture Manufacturing and Woodworking
C. Cement Concrete Batch Plant
D. Cement Concrete or Brick Products Manufacturing
E. Food and/or Beverage Products Manufacturing (without slaughtering)
F. Manufacturing, Assembly, or Fabrication, Heavy
G. Manufacturing, Assembly, or Fabrication, Light
155.4228. Industrial: Warehousing and Freight Movement Uses
A. Outdoor Storage (as a principal use)
B. Truck or Freight Terminal
C. Warehouse, Distribution and Storage
D. Junkyard or Salvage Yard
155.4229. Industrial: Waste-Related Services Uses
A. Purpose
B. Districts where Permitted
C. Definition
D. General Standards for All Waste-Related Service Uses
E. Additional Standards for Outdoor Waste-Related Service Uses
155.4230. Industrial: Wholesale Uses
A. Plant Nursery, Wholesale
B. Showroom, Wholesale
C. Other Wholesale Use
Part 3 Accessory Uses and Structures
155.4301. Purpose
155.4302. General
A. Applicability
B. General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures
C. Abbreviations Used in Accessory Use/Structure District Tables
155.4303. Standards for Specific Accessory Uses and Structures
A. Accessory Dwelling Unit
B. Amateur Ham Radio Antenna
C. Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
D. Bike Rack
E. Canopy, Vehicular Area
F. Clothesline (as accessory to residential uses)
G. Clubhouse
H. Dock
I. Drive-Through Service
J. Drop-In Child Care
K. Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 1 or 2 Charging Station
L. Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 3 Charging Station
M. Family Child Care Home
N. Family Child Care Home, Large
O. Fence or Wall
P. Garage or Carport
Q. Greenhouse
R. Green Roof
S. Home Based Business
T. Limited Fuel/Oil/Bottled Gas Distribution
U. Outdoor Display of Merchandise
V. Outdoor Seating, Including Sidewalk Cafes (as accessory to an eating and drinking establishment)
W. Outdoor Storage (as an accessory use)
X. Parking or Storage of Motor Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, Boats, or Trailers in Residential Zoning Districts
Y. Parking or Storage of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts
Z. Rainwater Cistern
AA. Recycling Drop-Off Station
BB. Retail Sales (as
accessory uses
CC. Satellite Dish
DD. Small Wind Energy System
EE. Solar Energy Collection System
FF. Storage Shed
GG. Swimming Pool, Spa, or Hot Tub
HH. Television or Radio Antenna
II. Dormitory (as accessory to education use)
JJ. Mechanical Equipment and Similar Features
KK. Uncovered Porches, Decks, Patios, Terraces, and Walkways
LL. Flagpoles
MM. Lighting Fixtures, Projecting or Free-standing
NN. Gazebo
OO. Screened Enclosures with Screen Roof
PP. Eating and Drinking Establishments (As Accessory to a Hotel or Apartment Hotel)
QQ. Bandshell or Outdoor Stage
RR. Limited Mental Health Treatment Facility
SS. Alcoholic Beverage Sales as an Accessory Use to a Brewery, Winery, or Distillery
TT. Package Sales as an Accessory Use to a Bar or Lounge
UU. Retail Clinic
Part 4 Temporary Uses and Structures
155.4401. Purpose
155.4402. General
A. Applicability
B. Prohibited Temporary Uses and Structures
C. Abbreviations Used in Temporary Use/Structure District Tables
155.4403. Standards for Specific Temporary Uses and Structures
A. Farmers' Market (as a temporary use)
B. Reserved
C. Temporary Portable Storage Unit
D. Temporary Use of an Accessory Structure as a Principal Dwelling After a Catastrophe
E. Interim Commercial Use
F. Interim Industrial Use
Part 5 Alcoholic Beverage Establishments
155.4501. Separation Requirements for Alcoholic Beverage Establishments
A. General
B. Exceptions
Part 6 Unlisted Uses
155.4601. Interpretation of Unlisted Uses
A. Procedure for Interpreting Unlisted Uses
B. Criteria for Allowing Unlisted Principal Uses
C. Criteria for Allowing Unlisted Accessory Uses and Structures
D. Effect of Allowing Unlisted Uses as Permitted Use or Special Exception Use