A. Purpose
Waste-Related Services Uses are solid waste management facilities regulated and permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Solid & Hazardous Waste. These uses are recognized as having potential negative impacts on the quality of air, water, soil, and other natural resources. It is further recognized that improper disposal and management of solid waste results in or contributes to air and water pollution, land blight, and nuisance conditions.
B. Districts Where Permitted
RS-1 | RS-2 | RS-3 | RS-4 | RS-L | RD-1 | RM-7 | RM-12 | RM-20 | RM-30 | RM-45 | MH-12 | B-1 | B-2 | B-3 | B-4 |
M-1 | CR | I-1 | I-IX | OIP | M-2 | TO | PR | CF | PU | T | BP | RPUD | PCD | PD-TO | LAC | PD-1 |
S | S | S | S | P |
C. Definition
A waste-related services use includes any of the following facilities:
1. Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal Facility
A construction and demolition debris disposal facility is a Solid Waste Management Facility permitted by the state for the disposal of construction and demolition debris, as provided for in FL SS 403.703.
2. Land Clearing Debris Disposal Facility
A land clearing debris disposal facility is a solid waste management facility permitted by the state for the disposal of land clearing debris, as provided for in FL SS 403.703 and FAC 62-701.200.
3. Materials Recovery Facility
A materials recovery facility is a solid waste management facility that provides for the extraction from solid waste of recyclable material, materials suitable for use as a fuel or soil amendment, or any combination of such materials, as provided for in FAC 62-701.200.
4. Solid Waste Transfer Station
A solid waste transfer station is a solid waste management facility, the primary purpose of which is to store or hold solid waste for transport to a processing or disposal facility, as provided for in FAC 62-701.200. Operations at such facilities may include separation of incidental amounts of recyclable materials or unauthorized waste.
5. Tire Disposal or Recycling Facility
A tire disposal or recycling facility is a solid waste management facility, the primary purpose of which is tire disposal or tire recycling, as provided for in FAC 62-701.200.
6. Waste Composting Facility
A waste composting facility is a solid waste management facility where solid waste is processed using composting technology, as provided for in FAC 62-709.201. Processing may include physical turning, windrowing, aeration or other mechanical handling of organic matter.
7. Waste-to-Energy Plant
A waste-to-energy plant is a facility that uses an enclosed device using controlled combustion to thermally break down solid, liquid, or gaseous combustible solid waste to an ash residue that contains little or no combustible material and that produces electricity, steam, or other energy as a result, as provided in FL SS 403.7061. The term does not include facilities that primarily burn fuels other than solid waste even if such facilities also burn some solid waste as a fuel supplement. The term also does not include facilities that burn vegetative, agricultural, or silvicultural wastes, bagasse, clean dry wood, methane or other landfill gas, wood fuel derived from construction or demolition debris, or waste tires, alone or in combination with fossil fuels.
Waste-Related Service Uses shall comply with the following standards:
1. In the I-1 District, all of the use's operation, including storage and sorting, shall occur and be located within a fully enclosed structure;
2. Access to the property shall be via a paved public right-of-way with a minimum width of 60 feet;
3. Access to the property shall be controlled through the use of a fence, wall, gate, or other suitable device to prevent unregulated dumping; and
4. The use shall comply with state solid waste management regulations, permitting requirements, and permit conditions.
E. Additional Standards for Outdoor Waste-Related Service Uses
A Waste-Related Service Use is considered to be an Outdoor use if all or a portion of the use's operations, including storage and sorting, are located outside of a fully enclosed structure. In addition to the general standards listed in Section 155.4229.D, Outdoor Waste-Related Service Uses shall be required to comply with the following standards:
1. The use shall be located on property with an area of at least one acre;
2. The lot shall be located at least 1,000 feet, as measured by airline distance from property line to property line, from another lot containing a junkyard or an Outdoor Waste-Related Service Use;
3. The use shall include measures to reduce the off-site transmission of noise or dust to the maximum extent practicable;
4. A type C
perimeter buffer
shall be provided around all perimeters of the site; and
5. The applicant shall provide documentation of compliance with state solid waste management regulations for minimum distance separation from water bodies and
6. The Applicant shall comply with § 155.3707.C.5 related to landfills located within the Air Park Overlay.