General Provisions
113.01 Scope
113.02 Licenses required
113.03 Applications; fees
113.04 Street shows
113.05 Sunday closing
113.06 Audiences to be orderly; gathering of crowds
113.07 Inspections
113.08 Indecent shows
113.09 Riots
113.10 Smoking; signs
113.11 Exit lights
Provisions Regulating Specific Amusements
113.25 Athletic exhibitions
113.26 Billiards; pool halls
113.27 Bowling alleys
113.28 Circuses
113.29 Medicine shows
113.30 Motion pictures; theatricals
113.31 Public dances
113.32 Public shooting galleries
113.33 Skating rinks
113.34 Pinball machines
Charitable games, see § 110.35