(A) Licenses.
(1) It shall be unlawful to give, present or conduct any motion picture or theatrical for admission to which a fee is charged, excepting performances given solely for the benefit of and under the supervision of a religious, educational or charitable organization, without having first obtained a license therefor as is herein provided.
(2) Applications for such licenses shall be made in conformance with the general provisions relating to such applications, and shall state in addition to the other information required, the place of the intended performance and the seating capacity thereof.
(3) Any person securing any annual license for motion pictures or theatricals naming a specific place or building where the performances are to be presented may present therein any number of performances, including theatricals, during the year for which the license was secured without having to pay any additional fee. The annual license fee for such license shall be $25.
(4) For motion pictures or theatricals which are to be presented in premises which are not covered by such license fees, the fee to be paid shall be $5 per day; provided that no such motion picture or theatrical shall be presented in or on any premises or building which does not fully comply with the requirements of the ordinance for the construction or maintenance of buildings for this purpose.
(B) Prohibitions.
(1) It shall be unlawful to permit any person to offer or present any motion picture which has a tendency to cause a riot or public disturbance of the peace, or any immoral, indecent or blasphemous picture or performance.
(2) It shall be unlawful to permit any person, excepting ushers or other theater employees, to remain standing in a hall or room in which a motion picture is presented during the time of such performance and it shall be unlawful to admit to any such hall more persons than can be accommodated by the seating arrangements for the premises.
(3) It shall be unlawful to use any scenery in any theater other than nonflammable scenery or such as shall have been rendered non-flammable by the application of fire preventive coatings.
(4) It shall be unlawful to present any public motion picture in any building or structure which does not contain the number of exits required by the ordinances of the city or by the statutes of the state concerning buildings or places intended for motion pictures or in premises in which the electric wiring does not fully comply with the ordinances. All places used for the exhibition of theatricals must be kept adequately ventilated during the performance and for so long as the audience remains therein.
(5) It shall be unlawful to obstruct or permit the obstruction of any aisles, corridors or exits leading from the room or enclosure in which a motion picture performance or theatrical is being given or in which an audience for such a performance is gathered.
('72 Code, §§ 112.050 - 112.056) Penalty, see § 10.99