There is hereby established a City Historic Review Commission (CHRC) of six members; one of which shall be on the Board of the Piqua-Caldwell Historic District, as a full member, and one of which shall be a City Commission member, which will serve as an ex officio, non-voting member. The Board shall have the duties and powers imposed by ordinance and this code.
   (A)   Members shall be residents of the city of Piqua.
   (B)   No member shall be an official or employee of the city.
   (C)   Members shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed for a term of five years, except that of the members first appointed, one shall be for a term of one year, one for two years, one shall be for three years, one for four years, and one for five years.
   (D)   To the extent possible, the CHRC shall include professional members in the fields of architecture, architectural history, history, archaeology, planning, or related disciplines.
   (E)   The City Commission shall appoint members of the CHRC and may remove any member of the Commission for cause upon written charges after a public hearing.
   (F)   The City Commission shall remove any member of the Commission who during his or her term changes his or her residence to outside the city.
   (G)   Vacancies on the CHRC shall be filled within 60 days by the City Commission unless extenuating circumstances require a longer period.
(Ord. 4-24, passed 5-21-24)