§ 32.017 DUTIES.
   (A)   The Board shall consult with and advise the City Commission on the operation, management, and control of the municipal power or energy systems, including the operations, maintenance, and distribution divisions thereof, and other related energy matters. Recommendations made by the Board may relate to the following.
      (1)   Expenditures, revenues, and charges to the power or energy systems.
      (2)   Annual budget and appropriation ordinances in relation to the power or energy systems.
      (3)   Relevant power or energy systems bond ordinances.
      (4)   Capital improvements and expansion plans for the power or energy systems.
      (5)   Utility rates of the power or energy systems.
      (6)   Efficient management and use of the power or energy systems and the rules and regulations thereof, including accounting and collection.
      (7)    Any energy-related issue the Board may deem pertinent to the energy concerns and operations within the jurisdiction of the city.
   (B)   All actions, functions, and responsibilities of the Energy Board are to be directed generally to those actions, functions, and responsibilities described above, and shall not be inconsistent with the legal requirements of the Charter, state laws, or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. The adopted recommendations of the Energy Board shall not be binding, but shall be given priority consideration by the City Commission. All policies or administrative policy pertaining to divisions (1) through (7) above shall first be referred to the Energy Board for their recommendations before being considered by the City Commission. The Board shall submit an annual report on their observations and conclusions in relation to the operation, management, and control of the municipal power or energy systems. The Board shall tour the physical facilities of the municipal power or energy systems not less than once each year and include findings of same in their annual report.
   (C)   The City Manager, the Law Director, and the Finance Director shall, upon the Board’s request, supply assistance and information and assist the Board in administrative, legal, and financial aspects of the Board’s recommendations and areas of responsibility.
(‘97 Code, § 33.37) (Ord. 23-81, passed 3-16-81; Am. Ord. 19-23, passed 12-12-23)