§ 32.016 MEETINGS.
   The Energy Board shall meet upon there being business to discuss, but no less than once a quarter. All meetings of the Board shall be announced in advance and open to the public. The members shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson annually. An election of officers of the Board shall be held at the first regular meeting at which all members are present following the appointment of a new Board member for a full term, but not later than the second meeting following the appointment. No Board member shall serve as Chairperson for more than three consecutive years. The Power System Director shall cause the records of the Board to be prepared and preserved, and shall be required to attend all meetings of the Board. Every meeting of the Board shall have at least five members in attendance to constitute a quorum, and all official actions of the Board shall require a majority vote of the members of the full Board.
(‘97 Code, § 33.36) (Ord. 23-81, passed 3-16-81; Am. Ord. 2-13, passed 3-5-13; Am. Ord. 19-23, passed 12-12-23)