A.   In order to simplify land use regulations, land uses listed in this article and throughout this title have been grouped into general categories on the basis of common function, product, or compatibility characteristics. These allowed use categories are called “Use Classifications.” Use classifications describe one (1) or more uses having similar characteristics but do not list every use or activity that may appropriately be within the classification. Each land use is described in Chapter 17.22 (Allowed Use Definitions). For example, “personal service use” includes a wide range of individual personal service uses (beauty parlor, dry cleaning, tanning salons, tailors). Rather than listing all such uses individually throughout this title, “personal service use” is listed once and is further defined in Chapter 17.22 (Allowed Use Definitions).
   B.   The following rules apply to use classifications:
      1.   Special Use Regulations. Additional use regulations for special land uses are listed in Article IV. (Standards for Specific Land Uses).
      2.   Uses Not Listed. Land uses that are not listed in the zoning district tables are not allowed, except as otherwise provided for in this title.
      3.   Illegal Uses. No use that is illegal under local, state, or federal law shall be allowed in any zoning district within the city.
      4.   Special Purpose Zoning District. When a property is located within a special purpose zoning district, the allowed use provisions of that special purpose zoning district shall prevail. When a special purpose zoning district is silent (Planned Developments) on allowed use provisions, it defers the allowed use provisions to the base zoning district. Only where there is a conflict do the special purpose zoning district provisions prevail.
      5.   Similar Uses. When a use is not specifically listed in this code, it shall be understood that the use may be permitted if the Community Development Director determines that the use is substantially similar to other uses listed based on established criteria and required findings outlined in Section 17.18.070 (Similar Use Determination). It is further recognized that every conceivable use cannot be identified in this title and, anticipating that new uses will evolve over time, the Community Development Director may make a similar use determination to compare a proposed use and measure it against those uses listed. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)