17.18.040 ZONING MAP.
   The City Council hereby adopts the City of Pinole Zoning Map (hereafter referred to as the “Zoning Map”) as the official designation of zoning district boundaries on real property within the City. The Zoning Map shall be regulated as set forth:
   A.   Incorporated by Reference. The zoning map is hereby incorporated into this Zoning Code by reference.
   B.   Relationship to the General Plan. The zoning map shall implement and shall be consistent with the city's adopted general plan. Specifically, the Zoning Map shall be consistent with the general plan land use plan.
   C.   Relationship to Specific Plans. The specific plans adopted in the City of Pinole establish special zoning regulations and other design and development provisions in designated portions of the city. As such, the specific plans essentially replace the citywide zoning regulations in those areas and are shown on the zoning map with the adopted specific plan name and/or number, referring the reader to the adopted specific plan document to govern subsequent land development within the plan area. The Zoning Code shall be relied upon for development topics not included within the specific plan. In the event of a conflict between the specific plan and the zoning code, the specific plan shall prevail.
   D.   Planned Developments. In addition to the zoning district symbol for the PD District, a reference to the PD-Planned Development ordinance for the site shall be included on the zoning map whenever possible.
   E.   Zoning District Symbol. Zoning districts shall be illustrated on the zoning map as follows:
      1.   Each base zoning district shall be described on the zoning map by use of its identified zoning district symbol, as listed in Table 17.18.020-1.
      2.   Special purpose zoning districts shall be delineated with a name, number, symbol, or other delineation, as determined by the Community Development Director, which distinguishes it from other special purpose zoning districts or base zoning districts. The assignment of the special purpose designation serves to provide a reference to the corresponding special purpose zoning document (e.g. Specific Plan, Planned Development) adopted by ordinance of the City Council.
   F.   Zoning Map Interpretation. If there is uncertainty about the location of any zoning district boundary shown on the zoning map, the precise location of the boundary shall be determined by the Community Development Director as follows:
      1.   Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines or lot lines, such lines shall be construed to be such boundaries.
      2.   In unsubdivided property or where a zone boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map.
      3.   In case any uncertainty exists, the Planning Commission shall determine the location of boundaries.
      4.   Where any public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to abutting property shall apply to such vacated or abandoned street or alley.
      5.   Where any private right-of-way or easement of any railroad, railway, canal, transportation or public utility company is vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to abutting property shall apply to such vacated or abandoned property. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)