Chapter 2.40
*   For statutory provisions on local planning commissions, see Gov. Code § 65100 et seq.
   2.40.010   Membership.
   2.40.020   Election of officers – Meetings.
   2.40.030   Duties and procedures.
2.40.010 MEMBERSHIP.
   A.   There is hereby established a city planning commission for the City of Pinole. The commission shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the majority of the City Council. Appointed members shall serve staggered terms effective May 1 as follows: Three (3) members shall serve a four (4)-year term expiring on even years and four (4) members shall serve four (4) years expiring on odd years. Vacancies in which the member has not fulfilled their term shall be filled with the newly appointed commissioners serving the remainder of the term of the vacant position.
   B.   Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the entire City Council.
   C.   A vacancy in the office of commission member is deemed to exist whenever a member dies, his/her term expires, he/she resigns, is removed or as otherwise provided by applicable law. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner provided for original appointment. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary herein, appointments made to fill vacancies of unexpired terms shall become effective on the first Monday following the appointment.
   D.   All members shall serve without compensation, except that the Council may pay such expenses of the commission or its members as the Council deems necessary. No person shall be appointed to serve on the commission who holds any salaried public office of employment with the city. (Ord. 2013-02 § 2, 2013: Ord. 2011-03 § 1, 2011: Ord. 01-104 § 1, 2001: Ord. 341 § 2, 1976: Ord. 115 § 1, 1958).
The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among the appointed members for a term of one (1) year, subject to other provisions of law, and may elect such other officers as it may determine. Prior to December 31 of each year, the Planning Commission shall approve a schedule of regular meeting dates, location and times for the coming year. The commission shall adopt Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, for the transaction of business, and shall keep a record of its decisions, resolutions, transactions, findings and determination, which shall be a public record. The commission may appoint officers and employees and contract for services, subject to the provisions of law, provided that all expenditures for the commission, exclusive of gifts, shall be within the amount appropriated for the purpose by the City Council. The City Manager shall designate a Planning Commission Secretary to provide staff support to the Commission. (Ord. 2013-02 §2, 2013: Ord. 115 § 2, 1958).
   A.   The commission shall determine the order of business for the conduct of its meetings and shall meet in such regular sessions as its rules or procedure may provide. Special meetings may be called as needed by the Chairperson or a majority of the Commission. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The commission shall have all the powers and shall perform all the duties conferred and imposed upon city planning commissions by the applicable provisions of the Government Code of the state of California and, in addition, the commission shall:
      1.   Assist with the preparation, adoption and maintenance of a long-range, General Plan for the physical growth and development of the city and areas related directly to the city. The General Plan shall reflect the future goals of the city after its adoption by the City Council and shall represent the city's policy on matters of physical development. It shall guide the general location of future public facilities and improvements and aid in the encouragement and regulation of private development;
      2.   Consider as authorized by state law, requests for the development, rebuilding and redevelopment of areas within the city;
      3.   Serve as an advisory body to the City Council on matters related to the city growth and development and on such other matters as may be requested by the City Council;
      4.   Review capital improvement projects submitted by the various departments of the city and recommend to the City Council those that are in conformity with the General Plan;
      5.   Promote public interest in planning and encourage citizen participation in the implementing of the General Plan;
      6.   Study and make recommendations on all annexations to the city;
      7.   Review and comment on selected public works projects at the request of the City Council;
      8.   Consider and take action on all subdivision map requests;
      9.   Recommend on ordinances dealing with planning, street name changes, zoning, subdivisions, off-street parking, and public facilities;
      10.   Consider and take action on land use entitlement requests as required by Title 17.
   B.   The commission, by its staff appointed secretary, shall keep and prepare minutes of all meetings of the commission and shall forward copies thereof to each member of the Council.
   C.   The commission shall also determine reasonable rules for the attendance of its members and shall notify the Council when any member of the commission fails to abide by such rules. (Ord. 2013-02 § 2, 2013: Ord. 115 § 3, 1958).