Chapter 2.38
   2.38.010   Creation – Membership.
   2.38.020   Officers – Rules and regulations.
   2.38.030   Duties.
   A.   There is created a commission on aging consisting of seven members. These members shall be residents of the city and shall be appointed by the mayor subject to the approval of the City Council . Of the members first appointed under this chapter, three members shall be appointed for three years, two members shall be appointed for two years, and two members shall be appointed for one year. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for a term of three years commencing on the first Monday of May in the year in which the term begins.
   B.   Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the entire City Council .
   C.   A vacancy in the office of commission member is deemed to exist whenever a member dies, his/her term expires, he/she resigns or is removed. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner provided for original appointment.
   D.   All members shall serve without compensation, except that the Council may pay such expenses of the commission or its members as the Council deems necessary. No person shall be appointed to serve on the commission who holds any salaried public office or employment with the city.   (Ord. 540 § 1(part), 1991).
   A.   At its first meeting in May, the members of the commission shall meet in regular session and select from their members a chair, a vice chair and a secretary. Their duties shall be such as are usually performed by such officers. Officers shall hold office for one year, or until their successor is elected.
   B.   Subject to approval by resolution of the City Council , the commission shall adopt rules and regulations to govern its procedures and meetings.
   C.   Minutes of commission meetings shall be filed with the City Clerk. (Ord. 540 § 1(part), 1991).