A.   The following number of parking spaces shall be required to serve the uses or buildings listed, as established in Table 17.48.050-1 (Parking Requirements by Land Use). Multiple property owners may apply for a use permit for shared parking pursuant to Section 17.48.060 (Reductions in Parking Requirements); otherwise all uses must provide the sum of the requirements for each individual use. Where the requirements result in a fractional space, the next larger whole number shall be the number of spaces required. In addition, the requirements listed below shall apply.
      1.   “Square feet” means “gross square feet” and refers to the sum gross square feet of the floor area of a building and its accessory buildings unless otherwise specified.
      2.   For the purpose of calculating residential parking requirements, dens, studies, or other similar rooms that may be used as bedrooms shall be considered bedrooms.
      3.   Where the number of seats is listed to determine required parking, seats shall be construed to be fixed seats. Where fixed seats provided are either benches or bleachers, such seats shall be construed to be not more than eighteen (18) linear inches for pews and twenty-four (24) inches for dining, but in no case shall seating be less than determined as required by the Building Code.
      4.   When the calculation of the required number of off-street parking spaces results in a fraction of a space, the total number of spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
      5.   Where private streets are proposed for residential development, resident and guest parking shall be provided as determined by the approving authority in conjunction with the required planning entitlement(s). (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)
TABLE 17.48.050-1
Residential Uses
Boarding and Rooming Houses
1 space per family (based on designed capacity) plus 0.8 spaces/employee during the peak employment shift and 0.8 spaces per full-time resident staff
Dwelling, Single-Family - studio
1 space per dwelling unit (garage enclosed or covered)
Dwelling, Single-Family - one bedroom
2 spaces per dwelling unit (garage enclosed or covered), tandem parking spaces permitted
Dwelling, Single-Family - two to four bedrooms
2 spaces per dwelling unit (1 space must be garage enclosed or covered), tandem parking spaces permitted in Old Town
Dwelling, Single-Family - five or more bedrooms
3 spaces per dwelling unit (2 spaces must be garage enclosed or covered and accessed independently; the third space may be tandem)
Dwelling, Multiple-Family
Studio units
1 space per dwelling unit (garage enclosed or covered) plus 0.3 spaces per dwelling unit for visitor parking
Dwelling, Multiple-Family
One-bedroom units
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit (1 space must be garage enclosed or covered) plus 0.3 spaces per dwelling unit for visitor parking
Dwelling, Multiple-Family
Two+ bedroom units
2 assigned spaces per dwelling unit (1 space must be garage enclosed or covered) plus 0.3 spaces per dwelling unit for visitor parking
Accessory Dwelling Unit
1 space per bedroom or ADU, whichever is less, except parking may be waived as provided in Chapter 17.70, Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units
Senior units, studio, one- and two-bedroom units
1 space per dwelling unit
Senior units, three + bedroom units
1 space per dwelling unit plus 1 additional off-street space
Mobile Home Park
2 parking spaces per home site
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses
Arena, Auditorium, Theater, Assembly Hall, and Religious Institutions with Fixed Seats
Lesser of the following calculations: 1 space per 4 seats of maximum seating capacity; or 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Dancehall, Assembly Halls without Fixed Seats, Exhibition Halls
1 space per 50 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for dancing or assembly
Retail, Service, Medical and Office Uses
Grocery Store, Food Market
1 space per 250 sf. ft. of gross floor area
Retail Sales, Banks
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Retail (furniture, appliances)
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Retail (building materials, autos, boats, RVs)
1 space per 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for offices and 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area for sales and sales display; plus 1 space per 600 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for repair or service; plus 1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. of outdoor sales, sales displays and storage areas
Restaurants, Bars, and Night Clubs
1 space per 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area, excluding kitchen and other non-public areas
Veterinary Hospitals
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Animal Boarding and Grooming
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Offices, Business and Professional, including medical
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Hotels and Lodging Places
1 space per unit plus 1 space/full-time resident staff and 1 space/employee during the peak employment shift
Nursing Homes
1 space per 3.5 beds
Hospitals and Sanitariums
Parking study required to determine parking needs
Auto-Related Services
Automobile/Vehicle Service and Repair, Minor
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of any convenience store and/or office space plus 1 space per service bay if repair occurs on-site (in addition to spaces at pumps, queuing areas for pumps, and self-service water and air areas)
Automobile/Vehicle Service and Repair, Major
1 space per service bay (not including areas for auto service or auto storage), plus parking for any towing vehicles used in the operation, and 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of office area
Auto Washing
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of any indoor sales, office, or lounge areas
Schools, Private
Business, trade and other schools or colleges
1 space per 2 full-time equivalent students enrolled plus 1 space per employee during the peak employment shift
Elementary Schools
1.2 spaces per employee during the peak employment shift
Small Family Daycare
No additional spaces required (besides the required spaces for the residential dwelling)
Large Family Daycare
1 space per employee, with a minimum of 3 spaces provided
High Schools
1 space per 4 daytime students plus 1 space for each employee during the peak employment shift
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Processing Uses
Warehousing, Wholesaling, Research, and Other Industrial
1 space per 1000 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus 1 space per four employees
   B.   Uses Not Listed. Other uses not specifically listed in this section shall furnish parking as required by the approving authority in determining the off-street parking requirements. The Planning Commission shall be guided by the requirements in this section generally and shall determine the minimum number of spaces required to avoid interference with public use of streets and alleys.
(Ord. 2020-04 § 2, 2020; Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)