The required number of parking spaces may be reduced in accordance with the following requirements.
   A.   Shared Parking. In order to encourage efficient use of parking spaces and good design practices, the total parking requirements for conjunctive uses shall be based on the number of spaces adequate to meet various needs of the individual uses operating during the peak parking period.
      1.   Use permit for shared parking. A use permit may be approved for shared parking facilities serving more than one (1) use on a site or serving more than one (1) property. The use permit may allow for a reduction of the total number of spaces required by this chapter if the following findings are made:
         a.   The peak hours of parking demand from all uses do not coincide so that peak demand will not be greater than the parking provided;
         b.   The efficiency of parking provided will equal or exceed the level that can be expected if parking for each use were provided separately.
      2.   Shared parking agreement. A written agreement between the landowners and in some cases the city that runs with the land shall be filed, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, and include:
         a.   A guarantee that there will be no substantial alteration in the uses that will create a greater demand for parking without application for approval of an amended use permit;
         b.   A reciprocal grant of nonexclusive license among the business operator(s) and the landowner(s) for access to and use of the shared parking facilities; and
         c.   Evidence that the agreement has been recorded in the County Recorder's office.
   B.   Other Parking Reductions. Required parking for any use except a single-family dwelling, accessory dwelling unit, or two (2)-family dwelling may be reduced through approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission.
      1.   Criteria for approval. The Planning Commission will only grant a conditional use permit for reduced parking if it finds that the project meets all of the conditional use permit criteria in Section 17.12.140 (Conditional Use Permits) and that three (3) or more of the circumstances listed below are true.
         a.   The use will be adequately served by the proposed parking due to the nature of the proposed operation; proximity to frequent transit service; transportation characteristics of persons residing, working, or visiting the site; or because the applicant has undertaken a travel demand management program that will reduce parking demand at the site.
         b.   Parking demand generated by the project will not exceed the capacity of or have a detrimental impact on the supply of on-street parking in the surrounding area.
         c.   The site plan is consistent with the objectives of the zoning district and incorporates features such as unobtrusive off-street parking placed below the ground level of the project with commercial uses above or enclosed parking on the ground floor.
         d.   The applicant has provided on-site parking for car share vehicles via a recorded written agreement between the landowner and the city that runs with the land. Agreement shall provide for proof of a perpetual agreement with a car share agency to provide at least one (1) car share vehicle on-site.
      2.   Application submittal requirements. In order to evaluate a proposed project's compliance with the above criteria, the Zoning Administrator may require submittal of a parking demand study that substantiates the basis for granting a reduced number of spaces.
(Ord. 2020-04 § 2, 2020; Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)