The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for reviewing the placement of accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units in residential and mixed-use zoning districts, address the state's accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU) requirements, as set forth in California Government Code § 65852.2 and 65852.22 and implement the general plan policies which encourage more affordable rental housing, while maintaining the quality of existing residential neighborhoods.
(Ord. 2020-04 § 2, 2020; Ord. 2017-08 § 2 (part), 2017; Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)
The regulations and standards contained in this chapter shall apply to all new accessory dwelling units (ADU) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADU) in the city, including previously unpermitted ADUs that are legalized, and shall be in addition to any other development standards and regulations contained elsewhere within Title 17 Zoning Code that apply to primary dwelling units (e.g., lighting). ADUs are permitted on all lots zoned to allow single-family and multi-family residences that have an existing or proposed single-family or multi-family residence. JADUs are permitted on lots with an existing or proposed single-family residence. For the purposes of this title, ADUs and JADUs are not considered accessory structures as otherwise regulated in Chapter 17.30.
(Ord. 2020-04 § 2, 2020; Ord. 2017-08 § 2 (part), 2017; Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)