Representatives of the health officer, after proper identification, shall be permitted to enter any hotel, motel or tourist court, at any reasonable time during regular business hours of the hotel, motel or tourist court, for the purpose of making inspections to determine compliance with this chapter.
(Prior code § 23.20.010(F))
A. Whenever an inspection of a hotel, motel or tourist court is made, the findings shall be recorded on an inspection form. The inspection form shall summarize the requirements of this chapter.
B. A copy of the completed inspection form shall be furnished to the person in charge of the hotel, motel or tourist court at the conclusion of the inspection.
(Prior code § 23.20.010(G))
A. Compliance.
1. The storage, preparation and serving of food shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8.08.
2. A separate inspection shall be made of the food operation in accordance with Chapter 8.08.
B. Drinking Water—Ice.
1. Where drinking fountains are provided, the fountain shall be constructed so that the drinking is from a free jet projected at an angle from the vertical, and provided with a guard to prevent the mouth from being placed directly against the orifice. There shall be no possibility of the orifice becoming submerged. The fountain bowl shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, easily cleanable material.
2. All glasses and multi-use utensils furnished to each dwelling unit shall be cleaned and sanitized in an approved manner after each occupancy. Single-service paper and plastic drinking utensils may be used.
3. Ice shall be obtained from an approved source and shall be stored and handled in such a manner as to prevent contamination.
4. Ice-making or dispensing equipment shall meet the requirements of Section 8.08.400D.
(Prior code § 23.20.020)
A. All refuse shall be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary code.
B. The owner or operator of any hotel, motel or tourist court shall be responsible for the removal of any animal excreta and other refuse accumulated on the premises of the hotel, motel or tourist court.
C. Garbage containers shall be thoroughly washed after emptying and shall be maintained free of odors and other objectionable conditions.
D. All rubbish containers shall be cleaned as often as necessary to prevent a nuisance.
E. All refuse containers shall be maintained in good repair and kept tightly covered.
(Prior code § 23.20.030)