Chapter 8.16
8.16.010   Scope.
8.16.020   Definitions.
8.16.030   Permit—Required.
8.16.040   Permit—Suspension.
8.16.050   Inspection.
8.16.060   Access.
8.16.070   Record of inspection.
8.16.080   Food service requirements.
8.16.090   Refuse disposal.
8.16.100   Grounds maintenance.
8.16.110   Dwelling units—Ventilation and maintenance.
8.16.120   Bedding.
8.16.130   Toilet and lavatory requirements.
8.16.140   Water supply approval required.
8.16.150   Sewage disposal.
8.16.160   Notification of disease.
8.16.170   Violation—Penalty.
8.16.010   Scope.
   All hotels, motels and tourist courts in the county shall comply with all the sections and subsections adopted in Chapter 8.04 of this title and the specific sections adopted in this chapter.
(Prior code § 23.20.010(A))
8.16.020   Definitions.
   All definitions adopted in Chapter 8.04 of this title and the following specific definitions apply to this chapter:
   A.   "Dwelling unit" means any suite, room, cottage, bedroom or any other unit established by a hotel, motel or tourist court for temporary occupancy.
   B.   "Hotel," "motel" or "tourist court" means and includes any place of two or more dwelling units where sleeping accommodations are available to transients or tourists for occupancies of less than seven days.
   C.   "Plumbing" or "plumbing systems" means and includes the water supply distributing pipes, the fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes, and the building drains with their devices, appurtenances and connections either within or adjacent to the hotel, motel or tourist court. All such plumbing or plumbing systems must be installed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code as adopted in Chapter 8.04 of this title.
   D.   "Refuse" means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semi-solid wastes, except human excreta, but including garbage, rubbish, ashes, manure, street cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles and industrial wastes.
(Prior code § 23.20.010(B))