General Provisions
   156.001   Enacting clause
   156.002   Title
   156.003   Purpose
   156.004   Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
   156.015   Administrative Official
   156.016   Fee schedule
   156.017   Building permit required; exceptions
   156.018   Certificate of zoning compliance
   156.019   Costs of advertisement and notification
Board of Zoning Adjustment
   156.030   Establishment; members; meetings
   156.031   Powers and duties
   156.032   Applications; appeals; hearings
   156.033   Compensation and fees
General Development Regulations
   156.045   Conformance with regulations required
   156.046   Coordination with subdivision regulations
   156.047   Additional uses
   156.048   Conversion of dwellings
   156.049   Rural uses
   156.050   Conditional uses
   156.051   Development plan
   156.052   Nonconformities
   156.053   Exception to height regulations
   156.054   Lots and yards
   156.055   Prohibited or restricted uses
   156.056   Fees for subdivision plan review
   156.057   Outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic
Planned Unit Development Regulations
   156.070   Where planned unit development permitted
   156.071   Procedure for review and approval
   156.072   General regulations for all planned unit development projects
   156.073   Residential planned unit development
   156.074   Commercial planned unit development
   156.075   Industrial planned unit development
   156.076   Mixed-use planned unit development
Zoning Districts
   156.090   Establishment and designation
   156.091   Official Zoning Atlas
   156.092   Interpretation of district boundaries
Zoning District Regulations
   156.100   R-1 One-Family Residential District
   156.101   R-1A Inner-City One-Family Residential District
   156.102   R-1T Townhouses Residential District
   156.103   R-2 One- and Two-Family Residential District
   156.104   R-3 One- and Multiple-Family Residential District
   156.105   MP Mobile Home Park District
   156.106   C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
   156.107   C-2 Highway Commercial District
   156.108   C-3 Central Business District
   156.109   I Manufacturing District
   156.110   INS Institutional District
   156.111   Planned Unit Development District
   156.112   RF Riverfill District
   156.113   Overlay Zoning Districts
Performance Standards
   156.125   Legislative intent
   156.126   Compliance required
   156.127   Design manual
   156.128   General site arrangement
   156.129   Access and circulation
   156.130   Off-street parking and loading
   156.131   Drainage and storm water management
   156.132   Buffering and screening
   156.145   Purpose of subchapter
   156.146   Enforcement Officer
   156.147   Governmental signs excluded
   156.148   General sign regulations
   156.149   Sign permits
   156.150   Nonconforming signs
   156.151   Removal and disposition of nonconforming signs
   156.152   Maintenance of signs
   156.153   Violations; penalties
   156.170   Legislative body may amend regulations
   156.171   Amendment procedure
   156.172   Findings necessary for map amendment
   156.998   Violations
   156.999   Penalty
   This zoning code is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by KRS Chapter 100, KRS 100.201 through 100.271, to a legislative body to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, and the size of buildings and other structures. In addition, zoning may be employed to provide for vehicle parking and loading space, as well as to facilitate fire and police protection, and to prevent the overcrowding of land, premature development, blight, danger, and congestion in circulation of people and commodities, and the loss of life, health, or property from fire or other danger.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87)