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Pikeville Overview
Pikeville, KY Code of Ordinances
   (A)   The purpose of this district is to establish and preserve neighborhoods of single- and two-family homes.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Any principal permitted use and as regulated in the R-1 District, and as hereinafter specified in this subchapter.
      (2)   Duplexes, except that no more than one (1) such residential structure shall be permitted on any tract of land without approval of a development plan by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Same as in R-1 and R-1A.
      (2)   Professional offices, offices of financial use, insurance, real estate, civic, educational, or religious establishments or organizations.
      (3)   Nursing homes, rest homes, and lodging or boarding houses.
      (4)   Funeral homes.
      (5)   Mobile homes.
         (a)   Double wide or greater mobile or manufactured single-family residential homes that meet the following standards:
            1.   Permanent foundation as specified by the manufacture and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be fully enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product around the structure and steps. All areas used for access to be surfaced with asphalt, concrete or equivalent.
            2.   Minimum size of two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet and no less than fifteen (15) feet in width at the narrowest point of its first story (no single wide mobile or manufactured homes).
            3.   All dwellings shall be oriented on the lot so that the front door faces the street and otherwise comply with the other zoning requirements for a R-2 zone.
            4.   No mobile or manufactured home more than three years old on the date of installation shall be permitted on any lot.
            5.   Dwellings shall be sided with wood, or with a material designed and intended to resemble a finished wood product. Brick and stone are also permitted. Metal or corrugated siding is prohibited.
            6.   Roofing materials for dwellings shall be wood shingle or shake, composition, clay or metal. Corrugated metal or fiberglass roofing is prohibited. The minimum pitch for a roof on a dwelling shall have a three-inch vertical rise for each twelve inches of horizontal run (3:12 pitch). Dwelling shall have eaves with a minimum of six-inch overhang. Gutters and roof drainage must be installed.
            7.   The front door facing the street shall have a covered porch of a size no less than thirty-six (36) square feet. All other exterior doors shall have a covered stoop.
            8.   All wheel, trailer tongue, and hitch assemblies must be removed upon installation.
            9.   The dwelling floor plan shall not be comprised of a singular rectangular layout, but have at least two spaces that extend from the primary form, creating multi-dimensional forms in exterior elevation design.
         (b)   The Board of Zoning Adjustment in its consideration of a conditional use permit § 156.103(C)(5) shall consider the character of the surrounding neighborhood to ensure that the conditional use is harmonious and aesthetically consistent with the surrounding neighborhood taking into consideration the average age of the existing homes, the typical design and layout of the existing home.
      (6)   Ambulance service.
      (7)   Any other uses which are deemed compatible with the above-mentioned uses and which are acted upon by the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
   (D)   Accessory uses shall be the same as in R-1.
   (E)   Parking shall be the same as in R-1.
   (F)   Lot area, yard, and height regulations. The following table stipulates the minimum lot area, yard, and height requirements which shall be observed, except as otherwise provided in this zoning code.
Minimum Lot Area and Yard Requirements (R-2)
Lot Area (Square Feet)
Front Yard Depth (in Feet)
Rear Yard Depth (in Feet)
Lot Width(in Feet)
Side Yard (in Feet)
Minimum Lot Area and Yard Requirements (R-2)
Lot Area (Square Feet)
Front Yard Depth (in Feet)
Rear Yard Depth (in Feet)
Lot Width(in Feet)
Side Yard (in Feet)
One-family dwellings:
One and one-half stories
Two and one-half stories
Two-family dwellings:
One and one-half stories
Two and one-half stories
(Ord. passed 1-27-87; Am. Ord. O-2019-23, passed 8-12-19; Am. Ord. O-2021-02, passed 3-8- 21) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   The purpose of this district is to establish and preserve high density residential areas.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Apartment buildings.
      (2)   Any principal use permitted and as regulated in the R-1 and R-2 Districts, and as hereinafter specified in this subchapter, except that no more than one (1) such use shall be permitted on any one (1) tract of land without approval of a development plan by the Planning Commission, and further exception that no more than one (1) apartment building shall be permitted on any one tract of land without approval of a development plan by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Same as in R-1 and R-2 Districts.
      (2)   Planned Unit Development PDR-3.
      (3)   Boarding houses, lodging houses, nursery schools, day nurseries, senior citizen facilities, private kindergartens, and mobile home parks.
      (4)   Any other uses which are deemed compatible with the above-mentioned uses and which are acted upon by the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
   (D)   Accessory uses shall be the same as in R-2.
   (E)   Parking shall be the same as in R-1 for one- and two-family dwellings; one and one-half (1-1/2) parking spaces per unit for multiple-family dwellings.
   (F)   Lot area, yard, and height regulations. The following table stipulates the minimum lot area, yard, and height requirements which shall be observed, except as otherwise provided in this zoning code:
Minimum Lot Area and Yard Requirements (R-3)
Minimum Lot Area and Yard Requirements (R-3)
Lot Area (Square Feet)
Front Yard Depth (in Feet)
Rear Yard Depth (in Feet)
Lot Width(in Feet)
Side Yard(in Feet)
One-family dwellings:
One and one-half stories
Two and one-half stories
Multi-family dwellings:
Six stories maximum height - 6,000 square feet for the first unit, plus 1,500 square feet for each additional multi-family dwelling
   (G)   Additional yard requirements for certain multiple-family structures. In addition to other yard requirements, whenever the principal entrances to individual dwelling units in a multiple-family structure face side lot lines, side yard requirements shall be no less than front yard requirements.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87; Am. Ord. O-2019-23, passed 8-12-19) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   The purpose of this district is to regulate the location of and to encourage, stabilize, and protect the development of well-planned mobile home parks.
   (B)   For the purpose of this section, MOBILE HOME shall mean either a mobile living unit designed to be mounted upon and conveyed by another vehicle, or a dwelling unit, factory-built and factory-assembled, designed for conveyance after fabrication, on streets and highways on its own wheels or on a flatbed or other trailers, and arriving at the site where it is to be occupied as a dwelling unit complete and ready for occupancy, except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations such as locating on jacks or other foundation, or connection to utilities. A pre-fabricated home or structure shall not be included in this definition. However, a unit shall not cease to be defined as a MOBILE HOME merely because it is a double-wide which must be joined or because the wheel structures have been removed.
   (C)   Mobile homes, as defined above and by state statute, and metal trailers shall not be located other than for purposes of sale of same at retail or wholesale at other than an approved and state licensed mobile home park within the city limits as provided for in this section.
   (D)   No building permit shall be issued for the location, relocation, or other placement of such mobile homes or trailers, and any such location without a building permit shall be a violation of this section.
   (E)   Nonconforming mobile homes. All mobile homes not in conforming mobile home parks but existing in the city before the passage of this chapter shall continue as nonconforming uses. They shall not be expanded, modified, or replaced. Nonconforming mobile homes shall be properly maintained including proper underpinning or skirting, no broken windows, must be structurally sound, properly painted and free of rust. Failure to do so will be treated as an environmental nuisance and subject to being ordered to be removed.
   (F)   Mobile home park requirements. Mobile home parks shall meet all requirements of state law, including KRS 219.310 through 219.410, and any regulations adopted thereunder.
   (G)   Application to construct, alter, or zone. Application to construct or alter any existing mobile home park shall be made in writing to the appropriate state agency or agencies and to the Planning Commission, and shall contain the following:
      (1)   Name and address of applicant.
      (2)   Name and location of mobile home park.
      (3)   Number and size of all mobile home lots.
      (4)   Number and size of lights.
      (5)   Source of water supply.
      (6)   Type of sewage and solid waste disposal.
      (7)   Source of electric service.
      (8)   Appropriate fees.
      (9)   Construction plan.
Application for a change of zoning to Mobile Home Park District shall be the same as that described in §§ 156.170 through 156.172. In addition, the applicant shall provide a construction plan as outlined below.
   (H)   Construction plan. Each application for a permit to construct or alter a mobile home park in existing Mobile Home Park Districts, or each application for a change of zoning to Mobile Home Park District shall be accompanied by a complete construction plan, drawn to scale, submitted in triplicate, of the proposed construction or alteration, showing the following:
      (1)   A vicinity map showing the location of the park.
      (2)   A site plan showing all the existing facilities and proposed facilities as follows:
         (a)   Area and dimension of the tract to be developed.
         (b)   Number, location and size of all mobile home lots.
         (c)   Area within lots planned for location of mobile homes including setback distances.
         (d)   Location and width of roadways, driveways, parking areas and walkways.
         (e)   Location of all utilities: public and private water, sewage, drainage, and electrical facilities and easements.
         (f)   Numbers of each lot.
         (g)   Location of planned landscaping and protective screening as required.
         (h)   Protective screening as required by the Planning Commission.
         (i)   Location and dimension of open spaces intended for recreational purposes of residents.
   (I)   Standards. All mobile home parks shall conform to the following standards for development:
      (1)   All mobile home parks shall include lots for at least ten (10) mobile homes.
      (2)   Each mobile home lot shall have four thousand (4,000) square feet with public sewer, or one (1) acre if not connected to a public sewer.
      (3)   All mobile home parks shall front on an arterial or collector street for at least one hundred (100) feet.
      (4)   No mobile home shall be located closer than twenty (20) feet from another mobile home.
      (5)   Front yard setback shall be at least twenty five (25) feet if fronting on a public right-of-way. Rear yard setback shall be at least fifteen (15) feet unless adjacent to any R zone in which case rear yard setback shall conform to nearest R District requirements. Minimum side yard requirements shall be ten (10) feet unless adjacent to any R zone in which case side yard requirements shall conform to nearest R District requirements.
      (6)   An accessory structure which has a floor area exceeding twenty-five (25) feet, with an opaque top or roof that is higher than the nearest window, shall if attached to the mobile home or located within ten (10) feet of its window, be considered a part of the mobile home.
      (7)   All mobile home parks shall be located in well-drained areas, not subject to recurring flooding. Lots shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of storm water.
      (8)   Two (2) paved automobile parking spaces shall be provided on every mobile home lot.
      (9)   Streets shall be twenty-seven (27) feet in width and shall be paved according to city specifications, excluding curbs and gutters. Streets shall be maintained in good condition.
      (10)   Adequate lighting shall be provided at park entrances, intersections, and at two hundred (200) foot intervals within the park.
      (11)   All construction plans shall be reviewed by the City Engineer who will report to the Planning Commission if plans are received no less than ten (10) days before public hearing on the matter.
      (12)   The Planning Commission may attach reasonable special conditions to its approval of a mobile home park.
   (J)   Procedure.
      (1)   Upon receipt of an application to construct or alter sections of existing mobile home park districts, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing, advertised according to KRS Chapter 424, with notification of adjacent property owners by certified mail no less than five (5) days before the hearing.
      (2)   Upon receipt of an application for amendment to the official zoning map, the Planning Commission shall follow the procedure outlined in §§ 156.170 through 156.172. The construction plan shall be considered as the DEVELOPMENT PLAN required for map amendments, pursuant to § 156.171.
   (K)   Issuance of mobile home park permit. The Administrative Official shall not issue a permit until all conditions in the construction plan have been met and the Planning Commission has approved the plan. The applicant shall not start construction until he has received this permit and valid construction permit from the appropriate state agency.
   (L)   Certificate of occupancy. The Administrative Official shall issue a certificate of occupancy only after he has determined that the mobile home park has been prepared according to all applicable regulations. The applicant must also obtain a valid permit to operate from the appropriate state agency. A certificate of occupancy shall be issued on each individual mobile home.
   (M)   Access limitations. No vehicular entrance to or exit from any tourist court, trailer park, recreational vehicle park, or mobile home park shall be within two hundred (200) feet along street frontage from any school, public playground, church, hospital, library, or institution for dependents or for children, except where such building or property is in another block, or fronts on a street on which facility has no entrance or exit.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87; Am. Ord. 0-90-033, passed 10-22-90; Am. Ord. O-2019-23, passed 8-12-19) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   The purpose of this district is to encourage development for commercial purposes of small areas of land located in largely residential neighborhoods where such purposes are compatible with residential uses.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses in this district are any retail businesses or service establishments which supply services primarily for residents of the neighborhood, or which general small traffic volume which is not disruptive to the neighborhood. Such businesses or establishments must front on arterial, collector, or major streets. Uses include the following:
      (1)   Apparel and accessories (clothing, bridal, shoes).
      (2)   Banks.
      (3)   Bicycle shops.
      (4)   Bookstores or newsstands.
      (5)   Business offices.
      (6)   Churches.
      (7)   Credit agencies.
      (8)   Drug stores.
      (9)   Eating and drinking places without drive-in windows or drive-through service.
      (10)   Florist shops.
      (11)   Food stores (grocery, bakery) with less than four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of usable space.
      (12)   Gift shops, coin shops, and art supply stores.
      (13)   Jewelry stores.
      (14)   Laundry.
      (15)   Musical equipment and supply stores.
      (16)   Photo studios.
      (17)   Shoe repair shops.
      (18)   Travel services.
      (19)   Watch and clock repair facilities.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Agricultural uses.
      (2)   Automobile repair, minor.
      (3)   Filling stations.
      (4)   Other uses compatible with the character of surrounding residential districts as authorized by the Board of Zoning Adjustment including any use permitted in or C-2 Districts which would not overburden the street on which the use fronts.
   (D)   Prohibited uses shall include eating and drinking places with drive-in windows or drive-through service.
   (E)   Required conditions.
      (1)   All businesses, services, or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building except in filling stations (a conditional use). All products processed shall be sold primarily on the premises.
      (2)   Processes and equipment used shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, gas fumes, noise vibration, refuse matter, or water-carried waste.
   (F)   Residential uses. All residences existing before the adoption of this chapter shall be permitted to continue as conforming structures. All future residential development within this district shall conform to R-3 requirements.
   (G)   Height and yard regulations.
      (1)   No principal structure shall exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirty (30) feet in height.
      (2)   Lot frontage shall be no less than fifty (50) feet.
      (3)   Front yard depth shall be at least ten (10) feet.
      (4)   Rear yard depth shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.
      (5)   Side lot requirements in business establishments adjacent to any R District shall be the same as those of the adjacent R District; otherwise, no side lot requirement shall apply.
   (H)   Accessory uses. Any accessory use of buildings customarily incidental to the above-mentioned permitted uses shall be permitted.
   (I)   Parking and screening. See the performance standards in §§ 156.125 through 156.132.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   The purpose of this district is to encourage logical and timely development of land for commercial purposes which generate large amounts of traffic and which require separation from residential uses of major parking facilities.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses include any use permitted and as regulated in the C-1 District, and as hereinafter specified, except that all such uses must front on arterial, collector, or marginal access streets. Uses include the following:
      (1)   Advertising and public relations firms.
      (2)   Amusement, recreation facilities (including dancing, theater, bowling, billiards, skating, riding, or electronic games center).
      (3)   Auto parts, tires.
      (4)   Auto repair services, garages, service stations.
      (5)   Building materials, hardware, home improvements.
      (6)   Business, professional, or civic clubs.
      (7)   Computer, data processing.
      (8)   Credit bureaus.
      (9)   Eating and drinking places (including drive-ins).
      (10)   Farm supplies and equipment.
      (11)   Food sales with over four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of usable space.
      (12)   Funeral services.
      (13)   Furniture, furnishings, and appliances.
      (14)   General merchandise (department or variety stores).
      (15)   Glass dealers.
      (16)   Government services (city and county offices, fire and police offices or stations, community centers, auditoria, schools, libraries, courts, and the like).
      (17)   Health clubs, spas.
      (18)   Health services (including professional offices, hospitals, clinics, medical and dental labs, nursing, and personal care facilities).
      (19)   Heating, plumbing, and air-conditioning repair or sales.
      (20)   Hospitals.
      (21)   Hotels and motels.
      (22)   Janitorial and maintenance services.
      (23)   Mobile home sales and repairs.
      (24)   Monument sales.
      (25)   Office supplies and equipment.
      (26)   Printing and copying.
      (27)   Professional offices and office parks.
      (28)   Rentals.
      (29)   Research, testing.
      (30)   Reupholstery shops.
      (31)   Steno/typing, and answering services.
      (32)   Taverns.
      (33)   Used merchandise, antiques, pawn shops.
      (34)   Vehicle dealers (autos, boats, trucks, and motorcycles).
      (35)   Veterinary services.
      (36)   Wholesale trade (motor vehicles, furniture, hardware, paper, food, drugs).
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
      (1)   Agricultural uses.
      (2)   Contract construction firms.
      (3)   Recreational vehicle parks.
      (4)   Planned unit development - commercial.
      (5)   Any other use decided upon by the Board of Zoning Adjustment which is substantially similar to either principal or conditional uses listed above.
   (D)   Required conditions shall be the same as for the C-1 District.
   (E)   Height and yard regulations shall be the same as for C-1, except that maximum height may be seven (7) stories or seventy-five (75) feet.
   (F)   Residential uses.
   (G)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses and structures are permitted and as regulated in the C-1 District and such other accessory uses and structures not otherwise prohibited, customarily accessory and incidental to any of the foregoing C-2 uses.
   (H)   Parking. See the performance standards in §§ 156.125 through 156.132.
   (I)   Screening. See the performance standards in §§ 156.125 through 156.132.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999