(A) Visibility. No wall, fence, sign, or shrubbery, or any other similar obstruction, shall be erected, maintained, or planted on any lot which unreasonably obstructs or interferes in traffic visibility on a curb or at a street intersection.
(B) Application of yards to one building only. No part of a yard required for any building may be included as filling the yard requirement for an adjacent building.
(C) Use of yards for accessory building. No accessory structures shall be permitted in front yards. They are permitted in rear or side yards according to dimensional and area regulations in each zone.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) The following uses are prohibited in all districts:
(1) Stockyards.
(2) Recreational vehicles within the city limits used for habitation, over seven (7) days, except in a conditionally approved commercial location.
(B) The Administrative Official shall ensure that all junkyards existing as nonconforming uses maintain valid permits to operate issued by the State Department of Transportation, as required by KRS 177.905 through 177.951, and shall ensure that all screening required by the State Department of Transportation is maintained as long as the junkyard remains in operation.
(C) No manufacturing or other process shall be carried on that is objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, refuse matter, or water-carried waste.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see 156.999
(A) Any person, firm, entity, or corporation seeking a review of a subdivision plan by the Technical Advisory Committee pursuant to the subdivision regulations adopted by the Pike County, Elkhorn City and City of Pikeville Planning Commission pursuant to KRS 100.273 shall be required to compensate the city for fees paid to the members of the Technical Advisory Committee for review of the applicant's subdivision proposal. The applicant will be required to pay to the city these fees prior to the Technical Advisory Committee rendering its final report to the Planning Commission.
(B) The fees for the members of the Technical Advisory Committee for which the applicant will be required to reimburse the city are as follows:
(1) Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour, per member, for actual time spent in the review of the applicant's subdivision proposal, not to exceed two (2) hours per proposal;
(2) Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour, per member, for actual time spent in on-site inspection of the applicant's proposed subdivision, not to exceed four (4) hours per site inspection;
(3) Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour, per member, for actual time spent in committee meetings considering the applicant's proposed subdivision, not to exceed one (1) hour per Committee meeting.
(C) If the applicant's proposed subdivision plan is not approved as originally submitted and requires additional on-site inspections, the applicant shall be required to pay the aforementioned fee for the additional inspection(s).
(D) The Technical Advisory Committee before rendering its final report to the Planning Commission for a subdivision proposal shall submit to the applicant, its fees as set out above. The applicant shall be required to make payment to the city for the amount of said fees prior to the Technical Advisory Committee's submission of its final report to the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 0-95-010, passed 12-21-95)
(A) An outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic is a program or facility operated for the purpose of and specializing in the care, treatment and/or rehabilitation of persons suffering with addictions or dependency to alcohol or controlled substance addictions. This includes programs or facilities that administer or distribute Methadone, Suboxone or other controlled substances for the treatment of drug addiction. An outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic is not a state licensed hospital as per this zoning chapter. Outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic does not include hospitals or programs consisting solely of support group activities without treatment by licensed health practitioner, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and similar programs.
(B) No person or business shall be permitted to administer or prescribe medication that is commonly used for the purpose of drug abuse or addiction within the corporate limits of the city within a one thousand (1,000) foot radius of any state licensed operator or regulated school or daycare center for minors, public park or playground. The exemption for this provision would exclude any state licensed hospital.
(C) An outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic shall not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any property that is occupied by a school or daycare facility or center primarily for minors and public parks or playgrounds. Measurement shall be made in a straight line on the city zoning map from the nearest property line of the lot on which the outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic to the nearest property line of the school or daycare facility or center, public park or playground.
(D) An outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic shall not be located within twenty- five hundred (2,500) feet from any other outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic.
(E) Unless prohibited above, an outpatient drug or alcohol treatment clinic may only be located in C-2 and C-3 Districts.
A planned unit development project, which may depart from conformance with the regulations for principal building and single lot development may be permitted in those districts where it is designated as a conditional use under the zoning district regulations or may be permitted in any district after an amendment to the zoning map. All Planned Unit Development (PUD) projects shall be subject to the regulations of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87)