(A) The purpose of this district is to encourage development for commercial purposes of small areas of land located in largely residential neighborhoods where such purposes are compatible with residential uses.
(B) Principal permitted uses in this district are any retail businesses or service establishments which supply services primarily for residents of the neighborhood, or which general small traffic volume which is not disruptive to the neighborhood. Such businesses or establishments must front on arterial, collector, or major streets. Uses include the following:
(1) Apparel and accessories (clothing, bridal, shoes).
(2) Banks.
(3) Bicycle shops.
(4) Bookstores or newsstands.
(5) Business offices.
(6) Churches.
(7) Credit agencies.
(8) Drug stores.
(9) Eating and drinking places without drive-in windows or drive-through service.
(10) Florist shops.
(11) Food stores (grocery, bakery) with less than four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of usable space.
(12) Gift shops, coin shops, and art supply stores.
(13) Jewelry stores.
(14) Laundry.
(15) Musical equipment and supply stores.
(16) Photo studios.
(17) Shoe repair shops.
(18) Travel services.
(19) Watch and clock repair facilities.
(C) Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Agricultural uses.
(2) Automobile repair, minor.
(3) Filling stations.
(4) Other uses compatible with the character of surrounding residential districts as authorized by the Board of Zoning Adjustment including any use permitted in or C-2 Districts which would not overburden the street on which the use fronts.
(D) Prohibited uses shall include eating and drinking places with drive-in windows or drive-through service.
(E) Required conditions.
(1) All businesses, services, or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building except in filling stations (a conditional use). All products processed shall be sold primarily on the premises.
(2) Processes and equipment used shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, gas fumes, noise vibration, refuse matter, or water-carried waste.
(F) Residential uses. All residences existing before the adoption of this chapter shall be permitted to continue as conforming structures. All future residential development within this district shall conform to R-3 requirements.
(G) Height and yard regulations.
(1) No principal structure shall exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirty (30) feet in height.
(2) Lot frontage shall be no less than fifty (50) feet.
(3) Front yard depth shall be at least ten (10) feet.
(4) Rear yard depth shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.
(5) Side lot requirements in business establishments adjacent to any R District shall be the same as those of the adjacent R District; otherwise, no side lot requirement shall apply.
(H) Accessory uses. Any accessory use of buildings customarily incidental to the above-mentioned permitted uses shall be permitted.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) The purpose of this district is to encourage logical and timely development of land for commercial purposes which generate large amounts of traffic and which require separation from residential uses of major parking facilities.
(B) Principal permitted uses include any use permitted and as regulated in the C-1 District, and as hereinafter specified, except that all such uses must front on arterial, collector, or marginal access streets. Uses include the following:
(1) Advertising and public relations firms.
(2) Amusement, recreation facilities (including dancing, theater, bowling, billiards, skating, riding, or electronic games center).
(3) Auto parts, tires.
(4) Auto repair services, garages, service stations.
(5) Building materials, hardware, home improvements.
(6) Business, professional, or civic clubs.
(7) Computer, data processing.
(8) Credit bureaus.
(9) Eating and drinking places (including drive-ins).
(10) Farm supplies and equipment.
(11) Food sales with over four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of usable space.
(12) Funeral services.
(13) Furniture, furnishings, and appliances.
(14) General merchandise (department or variety stores).
(15) Glass dealers.
(16) Government services (city and county offices, fire and police offices or stations, community centers, auditoria, schools, libraries, courts, and the like).
(17) Health clubs, spas.
(18) Health services (including professional offices, hospitals, clinics, medical and dental labs, nursing, and personal care facilities).
(19) Heating, plumbing, and air-conditioning repair or sales.
(20) Hospitals.
(21) Hotels and motels.
(22) Janitorial and maintenance services.
(23) Mobile home sales and repairs.
(24) Monument sales.
(25) Office supplies and equipment.
(26) Printing and copying.
(27) Professional offices and office parks.
(28) Rentals.
(29) Research, testing.
(30) Reupholstery shops.
(31) Steno/typing, and answering services.
(32) Taverns.
(33) Used merchandise, antiques, pawn shops.
(34) Vehicle dealers (autos, boats, trucks, and motorcycles).
(35) Veterinary services.
(36) Wholesale trade (motor vehicles, furniture, hardware, paper, food, drugs).
(C) Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Agricultural uses.
(2) Contract construction firms.
(3) Recreational vehicle parks.
(4) Planned unit development - commercial.
(5) Any other use decided upon by the Board of Zoning Adjustment which is substantially similar to either principal or conditional uses listed above.
(D) Required conditions shall be the same as for the C-1 District.
(E) Height and yard regulations shall be the same as for C-1, except that maximum height may be seven (7) stories or seventy-five (75) feet.
(F) Residential uses.
(G) Accessory uses. Accessory uses and structures are permitted and as regulated in the C-1 District and such other accessory uses and structures not otherwise prohibited, customarily accessory and incidental to any of the foregoing C-2 uses.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) Purpose. The Central Business District Zone (CBD) is intended to provide for the continuing development of this district as the commercial, service, and social center of the city; to maintain its existing character as a pedestrian-oriented concentration of business, administrative, financial, governmental, and other support functions serving the entire city and county and to encourage further residential development in this central area.
(B) Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Permitted principal uses at street level. All uses permitted in C-1 and C-2 except those prohibited in division (D) (2) and those permitted with conditions as provided in division (D).
(2) Principal uses permitted at levels other than street level:
(a) All uses permitted in division (B) (1) above.
(b) Clubs and other professional, social, or civic organizations.
(c) Business, office type.
(3) Distilleries and breweries and other appurtenance uses necessary to the distilling and brewing of alcoholic beverages under license by the Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Commission including sales thereof where permitted by state law not withstanding any other provision of this section.
(C) Accessory uses shall be as follows:
(1) At street level: business, office type, business, wholesale; business, service; places of assembly; publishing and printing; temporary building, construction related only.
(2) Parking and loading space and structures intended primarily for use by employees, customers, or visitors to the related primary structure and not as a separate commercial enterprise available to the public-at-large.
(3) Agricultural, non-livestock.
(D) Conditionally permitted uses. After public notice and hearing and appropriate conditions and safeguards, the Board of Zoning Adjustment may approve and permit as special exceptions:
(1) Business, office type, and clubs at street level when, and only when, none of the enumerated uses of division (B) (1) are to occupy space at levels above the office space.
(2) Multi-family dwellings above the first story of any structure having the first story devoted to uses enumerated in division (B) (1) and as a special use and none of the uses enumerated in these sections are to occupy space in levels above the dwelling units.
(3) Multi-family dwellings at ground level provided the entire structure is devoted exclusively to residential use.
(4) Parking lots and parking structures.
(5) Drive-in windows, banks only.
(6) Child care or group care facility.
(7) Churches when located along arterial or collector street.
(8) Funeral home.
(9) Planned unit development; PDR-3 or PDC.
(E) Prohibited uses shall be as follows:
(1) Agricultural, livestock.
(2) Automobile, trailer, or farm implement sales or rental.
(3) Automotive repair.
(4) Cemetery.
(5) Dwellings, single-family, or two-family detached, mobile home, or mobile home park.
(6) Gasoline and filling stations.
(7) Hospital.
(8) Maintenance or storage facility.
(9) Manufacturing.
(10) Veterinary hospital or clinic.
(F) Use limitations shall be as follows:
(1) Except for enumerated accessory uses all business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
(2) No use shall produce noise of such volume or pitch as to cause any nuisance in any adjacent residential district at any time or within any residential dwelling unit in any district between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(3) Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded so that no district light is cast upon any property located in a residential district.
(4) All business, service, and storage of goods other than off-street parking and loading shall be conducted within completely enclosed structures except for outdoor restaurant seating.
(5) No business except a private bank when permitted as a special exception, shall offer goods or services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles, or sell beverages or food for consumption on the premises in parked motor vehicles.
(G) Minimum lot requirements shall be as follows:
(1) Minimum lot area: Two thousand (2,000) square feet.
(2) Minimum street frontage: Fifteen (15) feet.
(3) Minimum lot width: Fifteen (15) feet.
(H) Minimum yard requirements. No yard setback is required except where a use of one intensity use group is directly adjacent to a use of a different intensity use group. Where properties with different intensity use groups are adjacent, buffer yards must be constructed in accordance with the city Design Manual.
(I) Maximum lot coverage by all buildings shall be as follows:
(1) Interior lot: One hundred percent (100%).
(2) Corner lot: One hundred percent (100%).
(J) Maximum height of principal structures. The maximum height of principal structures will be twelve (12) stories.
(K) Floor area requirements.
(1) Minimum floor area requirements for conditionally permitted multi-family dwelling units. The following minimum livable floor area, as defined in this chapter shall apply:
(a) Bedroom or efficiency: Three hundred fifty (350) square feet.
(b) Two (2) Bedroom: Five hundred fifty (550) square feet.
(c) Three (3) Bedroom: One thousand one hundred (1,100) square feet.
(2) Floor area ratio. In the CBD Zoning District, buildings and their required service area shall be allowed to occupy the total site, if the building is no higher than four (4) stories or seven (7) stories if the building construction is part of an approved application for ad valorem tax modification approved under § 35.08. The ratio of gross floor area of the principle structures to the gross lot area shall be 4.0, subject to the following bonus adjustments:
(a) If a developed exterior public plaza or landscaped open space is provided, the building floor area ratio may be increased by 0.25.
(b) If first floor setbacks are provided, the building floor area ratio may be increased by 0.1.
(c) If an internal public pedestrian arcade is provided, the building floor area ratio may be increased by 0.25.
(d) If elevated pedestrian-ways are provided, the building floor area ratio may be increased by 0.5.
(e) If parking requirements are met by contributions to the city Parking Authority Fund, rather than by on-street parking, the building floor area may be increased by sixty-five percent (65%) of the required parking space area.
(f) If a request to waive and/or modify the floor area ratio requirements for properties in the CBD (C-3) is made as part of a tax moratorium application in § 35.08, the City Commission may review available data and make a determination as to whether to waive and/or modify the requirements for the specific building under consideration.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87)
(M) Prefabricated metal-sided buildings prohibited.
(1) No person, entity, or corporation shall within the C-3 Central Business District of the city, construct or build a prefabricated metal-sided building or similar structure in which the outside walls of said building or structure consists of more than thirty percent (30%) of metal, steel, aluminum, or other metal or plastic in relation to the total outside wall space.
(2) There shall be an exemption for such building or structures temporarily constructed for a period of less than ninety (90) days.
(3) The Building Inspector shall not issue any permits of any type for the construction of any building or structure prohibited herein and shall be required to issue permits for the construction or building of any such temporary structures for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days.
(Ord. 0-88-004, passed 4-25-88; Am. Ord. 0-2014-013, passed 6-12-14; Am. Ord. O-2019-08, passed 3-11-19) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) The purpose of the I District is to encourage the development of manufacturing and wholesale business establishments that are clean, quiet, and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as odor, dust, smoke, or glare, and that are located along arterials or collector streets with adequate city services.
(B) Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Manufacturing or storage of:
(a) Beverage bottling.
(b) Electronics.
(c) Fabricated metals.
(d) Food and related manufacturing or storage.
(e) Furniture and fixtures.
(f) Glass manufacturing.
(g) Instruments, optical goods, watches, jewelry, and the like.
(h) Light sheet metal products.
(i) Lumber and wood products.
(j) Metal working shops.
(k) Pharmaceuticals.
(l) Pottery.
(m) Printing and publishing.
(n) Signs, electrical.
(o) Textile products.
(p) Toys, novelties.
(q) Wearing apparel.
(r) Agricultural uses.
(2) Experimental firms or testing laboratories, provided no operation shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazards and noxious or offensive conditions.
(3) Transportation equipment and other similar manufacturing processes as may be approved by the Planning Commission.
(C) Conditionally permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Agricultural uses; and
(2) Provided that the property improvements, and schedule of operation meets with the conditions set forth by the Planning Commission:
(a) Extractive uses.
(b) Mining, gas or oil wells.
(c) Quarrying.
(d) Logging.
(D) Accessory uses. Any use is permitted which is customarily accessory and incidental to any of the foregoing principal permitted uses.
(E) Prohibited uses. Dwellings and residences of any kind, including motels, schools, hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes, and other institutions for human care, except where incidental to the permitted principal use.
(F) Structural regulations.
(1) Minimum lot size: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
(2) Minimum lot width: Fifty (50) feet.
(3) Minimum front yard depth: Twenty-five (25) feet.
(4) Minimum rear yard depth: Thirty (30) feet, with five (5) additional feet for each additional story in excess of one (1) story.
(5) No industrial structure shall be erected less than one hundred (100) feet from any R District.
(G) Parking.
(1) Adequate off-street parking space must be provided for each separate building in this zoning classification. Parking areas and structures shall be located in the rear of the building whenever possible.
(2) Guidelines for parking area shall be one parking space for every employee working on the maximum working shift and one parking space for every vehicle operated by the facility.
(3) Notwithstanding any other requirement of this chapter there shall be provided one (1) off-street loading/unloading space with area and vertical clearance to accommodate tractor-trailer type trucks.
(4) Development plan. All development in the I District shall require the submission of a development plan to the Commission; such plan shall include all parking, and loading facilities as well as screening from residential uses, which shall be the responsibility of the industrial developer.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87; Am. Ord. 0-2017-006, passed 3-13-17) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) The purpose of this district is to preserve and provide for development of institutional uses with the city.
(B) Permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Educational activities directly related to an institution offering full-time courses leading to an accredited degree.
(2) Propriety-type functions which are customarily performed by private businesses or entities for a profit, not directly related to the educational purposes of the institution, shall not be permitted in the INS District.
(C) Accessory uses. Activities incidental to the function of the institution which are managed and operated by the institution, but not including propriety-type functions.
(D) Development. All proposed development within the INS District which alters the traffic patterns on existing city streets shall be presented to the Planning Commission for review. No building permit shall be issued until such development is approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
The following regulations shall apply in all Planned Unit Development Districts:
(A) Conditional uses.
(1) Residential planned unit development: PDR-1, PDR-2, PDR-3.
(2) Commercial planned unit development, PDC.
(3) Industrial planned unit development, PDI.
(4) Mixed use planned unit development, PD-MU.
(B) Dimension and area regulations for structures and uses in planned unit development districts shall be provided for in the planned unit development project and conditional use regulations of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999
Cross reference:
Conditional use regulations, see § 156.050
(A) Intent. To provide for high density development of commercial and residential uses adjacent to the Central Business District.
(B) Permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) High density residential planned unit development, PDR-3.
(2) Commercial planned unit development, PD-C.
(3) Mixed use planned development, PD-MU.
(Ord. passed 1-27-87) Penalty, see § 156.999