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Pickerington Overview
Codified Ordinances of Pickerington, Ohio
Planned Unit Districts
1282.01    Purpose and intent.
1282.02    Development standards.
1282.03    Plan contents and requirements.
1282.04    Review basis.
1282.05   Procedures for approval.
   (a)   The purpose of the Planned Development District (PD) is to permit the greatest possible flexibility in order to stimulate creativity and to allow for a mixture of a wide variety of land use types within one planned district in order to:
      (1)   Respect the unique characteristics of the site and surrounding uses.
      (2)   Encourage imaginative arrangements of land use types and recognize the need to mitigate the impacts of incompatible land uses.
      (3)   Allow a development pattern which preserves and utilizes the natural topography, geologic features, vegetation and drainage.
      (4)   Encourage provision of site amenities to serve the immediate development and surrounding community.
      (5)   Allow the potential for a self-sufficient development area, thus reducing the requirement for non-essential vehicular trips.
   (b)   The intent of this chapter is to allow the applicant to lessen the development standards in some areas in exchange for an increase in development standards in another. The process for achieving the stated purposes and intent is to require the submission and approval of a preliminary plan for the total proposed development and the submission and approval of a final development plan for all or any part of the area defined in the preliminary plan prior to obtaining a zoning certificate as part of the approval for the construction of any portion of the area. As part of the preliminary plan, the applicant must prepare and submit a development standards text that identifies any development standard that is less restrictive than the standards set forth in this chapter or other referenced chapters. As part of the development standards text, the applicant must justify the modifications of these standards based on the fact that the proposed development goes beyond minimum requirements in other areas that will result in a superior development than if the standards set forth in this chapter had been followed. As part of the final development plan, the applicant must verify that the previously approved development standards text is being used or submit as part of the final development plan a modified development standards text for approval by Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 2014-27. Passed 8-5-14.)
   (a)   The following development standards shall be considered as minimal standards within the Planned Development District. These standards shall serve as base standards to be included and modified if desired as part of the development standards text and preliminary plan and further refined as part of the final development plan.
      (1)   Lot requirements. If a bufferyard is required and the minimum setback is less than the appropriate bufferyard width, then the setback shall be equal to the bufferyard width. If a bufferyard is required and the minimum setback is greater than the appropriate bufferyard width, then the setback shall be equal to the required setback.
         A.   Minimum lot width. None, except that all lots must abut a public street and have adequate width to meet all building and pavement setbacks, parking, circulation, open space and landscaping requirements.
         B.   Minimum yard requirements. None, except as specified in the development standards text, but with sufficient setback area to accommodate landscape buffer, screening and planting requirements, in the Zoning Code.
         C.   Maximum lot coverage. Maximum lot coverage or impervious surface area shall be eighty percent with a total building coverage of thirty percent unless otherwise modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (2)   Building requirements. Maximum building height of forty feet or as established by Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the development plan.
      (3)   Site development requirements.
         A.   Outdoor storage is prohibited. Merchandise may be displayed on the sidewalk adjacent to the principal building provided a minimum of a five foot strip is left unobstructed for pedestrian traffic.
         B.   All vending machines and display racks, except for telephone booths and newspaper racks, shall be located inside the building.
         C.   Trash and litter shall be controlled, and stored in container systems which are located and enclosed in a manner to screen them from view on all sides.
         D.   Provision for storm drainage shall be adequate to protect the public and owners of surrounding land and meet the City's requirements for storm water management.
         E.   All service and delivery shall be at the rear of the building; provided, however, where site layout and design would be enhanced, provisions may be made for service and delivery at the side of the building.
   (b)   Parking, loading, access and circulation requirements for uses permitted in this district are set forth in Chapter 1290.
   (c)   Landscaping and screening requirements for uses permitted in this district are set forth in the Zoning Code.
   (d)   Sign requirements for uses permitted in this district are set forth in Chapter 1292.
   (e)   Lighting requirements for uses permitted in this district are set forth in the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2014-27. Passed 8-5-14.)