(a) Preliminary Plan. The basis for the approval of the preliminary plan shall be:
(1) That the proposed development is consistent in all respects with the purpose, intent and applicable standards of the Zoning Ordinance.
(2) That the proposed development is in conformity with appropriate comprehensive planning or portion thereof as it may apply.
(3) That the acceptability of setbacks, distances between buildings, yard space, suitability of open space systems, traffic accessibility and other elements having a bearing on the overall acceptability of the final development plan shall contribute to the orderly development of land within the City.
(4) That the proposed development is in conformity with any design or site planning guidelines adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(5) That the plan provides for the coordination and integration of individually designed buildings into one planned district.
(b) Final Development Plan. Basis for approval of a final development plan shall be:
(1) That the plan is complete in all respects relative to the requirements set forth in Section 1282.03(b).
(2) That any modifications of the development standards text approved as part of the preliminary plan support and enhance the purposes and intent of the Unified Development Code, any applicable comprehensive planning programs and any design or site planning guidelines adopted by Planning and Zoning Commission.
(3) That all engineering issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of the appropriate City agency and that final approval of the final development plan is subject to the acceptance of final engineering of all phases of the development.
(Ord. 2014-27. Passed 8-5-14.)