Fair Housing
1719.01   Purpose.
1719.02   Definitions.
1719.03   Exemptions.
1719.04   Discriminatory housing practices.
1719.05   Fair Housing Review Board.
1719.06   Administrator.
1719.07   Filing of complaints.
1719.08   Notice of complaint.
1719.09   Investigation of complaints.
1719.10   Conciliation process.
1719.11   Injunctive relief.
1719.12   Hearings.
1719.13   Hearing decisions.
1719.14   Hearing Officer.
1719.15   Remedial actions.
1719.16   Judicial relief.
1719.17   Additional remedies.
1719.18   Posting of notices.
   Unlawful discriminatory practices - see Ohio R.C. 4112.02
   Ohio Civil Rights Commission - see Ohio R.C. 4112.03
   Interfering with civil rights - see GEN. OFF. 606.20
   Fair housing - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 622; P.M. 1701.09
   Intimidation or interference in housing - see GEN. OFF. 622.05
   Ethnic intimidation - see GEN. OFF. 636.20