Operating Restrictions; Licensing
71.001 Operator’s license required
71.002 Driving under the influence
71.003 Accident with injury; duty to report
Speed Restrictions
71.015 Speed limits established
71.016 Speed limit on vehicles with solid tires
Turning and Starting; Signals
71.030 Prohibited left turns
71.031 Prohibited U-turns
71.045 Stop at through street
71.046 Posting signs
71.047 Identification of funeral procession
71.048 Driving in funeral procession
71.060 Vehicles obstructing traffic
71.061 Truck routes
71.062 Unattended draft animals
71.075 Standing in roadway
71.076 Standing on sidewalk
71.077 Blind pedestrians; right-of-way
71.090 Operating offenses
71.091 Riding abreast prohibited
Low-Speed Electric and Low-Speed Gas Bicycles
71.100 Definitions
71.101 Registration fees
71.102 Application of traffic laws
71.103 Penalty; impoundment